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"Where are you dragging me?" Baekhyun asks, trying to keep his voice nonchalant. He doesn't want to show how much it affects him; having Chanyeol's hand in his own (granted, this isn't some couple-hand-holding session and he isn't even returning the grip, yet it still makes him feel strange).

After feeling scandalized by the theft of his poutine and realizing that his ex-best friend has returned back in town, he was suddenly being pulled along. He remembers Chanyeol saying something like "Sehun, take care of his stuff for a sec" and that's when he realized that Sehun was the Sehun that he's been talking to on the group chat.

He mentally thanked the gods that Chanyeol had no idea that they were both in an anti-chanyeol group chat.

Well. He basically just thanked the gods for the phrase: ignorance is bliss.

Currently, the only view of Chanyeol he has is the back of his frame, and even if he tries his hardest to fight it, he can't help how his stomach flops.

Just the way his ears stick out makes Baekhyun feel nostalgia, and unknowingly, butterflies swarm his senses all at once.

"We're going somewhere where I won't be mobbed if I'm found out," Chanyeol answers briefly, and the next thing Baekhyun knows, he's pulling them both into an empty theatre room.

Baekhyun snorts when he sees their surroundings, "What, are we finally acting out our dramatic reunion?"

Chanyeol drags them down the set of stairs before they're in the large space meant for plays and music bands, his hand leaving Baekhyun's to flick on a lightswitch next to the stage.

Baekhyun winces when the light overwhelms his eyes, and he hardly has any time to collect himself before Chanyeol's in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun speaks first, demanding answers. He reasons that he should be able to get some answers first, because Chanyeol has no right to appear here after all this time and drag him away.

"I'm here because I wanted to see you," he replies easily, and Baekhyun's momentarily stunned by his idiocy.

He scoffs shortly after, crossing his arms. "Did you think that I wanted to see you?"

Chanyeol pauses at the question, tilting his head a fraction to the side before he grins. "Yes?"

"No. The answer is no." He sets it in stone with a glare, but he almost falters when he sees the way Chanyeol pouts.

He's seen pictures of the current Chanyeol (hundreds of them, in fact) and even watched some of his lives. All of that imagery couldn't prepare him for Chanyeol in real life.

Standing in front of him, Chanyeol looks—for lack of a better word—stunning. His skin looks impeccable and his black hair is slicked back with such little effort, looking incredibly smooth even if it's probably riddled with cosmetics. His lips look even better than they had years ago, and Baekhyun has to look away from his face to stop himself from doing something stupid. His clothes fit him to a T, and Baekhyun wonders where the 'Chanyeol that only wears adidas sweat-clothes' went.


"Chanyeol." His name makes Baekhyun's heart thump. "You shouldn't have come back."

"I'm sorry," Chanyeol confesses abruptly before he gets interrupted again. Baekhyun's gaze only hardens. "I was an asshole."

"Of course you're an asshole," Baekhyun replies. They both notice that he uses present-tense. His voice is cold when he speaks next, "Is that it? Because I'm leaving."

Baekhyun turns and Chanyeol's met with the realization that Baekhyun isn't going to accept his apology—and it's understandable, so he grabs Baekhyun's wrist to try again. "Baek—"

The only thing his actions accomplish is the way that Baekhyun rips his arm out of Chanyeol's grasp, turning to him with a fire in his eyes.

"Look, I don't know what you came back for—but if it's me, then you should leave," Baekhyun snaps, gathering all of his courage to stare at Chanyeol in the eyes. He tried not to seem like he was affected by Chanyeol, but after the giant apologized, it was like his wound was opened again. It stung as if it just happened, and Baekhyun's emotions got the better of him.

"I don't know what honestly made you believe that I'd be so easy to forgive and bring you close again, but let me make it a little clearer," Baekhyun proposes, taking a few breaths to steady himself. "It's been a long time, and I've forgotten about you. I don't care anymore. Who gives a fuck about what you do?" He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "I regret our friendship and I'm sure you do too, so let's just let it die in peace without trying to bring it back from the dead. I don't care if you want whatever it is that we had back or if you feel the need to prank me or something, because I want nothing to do with you."

Chanyeol opens his mouth to interject—because he has evidence that Baekhyun definitely does care, as seen from all of his hating on everything that Chanyeol does. It's actually a little cute that Baekhyun's denying it this harshly, and Chanyeol wonders when he became so weird.

"You can go on with your little idol life. Do what you want. I'm not watching nor do I care."

Baekhyun walks away after this, and Chanyeol feels the corner of his lip pull up because of how many times Baekhyun had to repeat that he didn't care, as if he was trying to convince himself.

You liar

boom a double update after like half an hour

great because i wrote this in like half an hour fjahfduaof if there's any typos oops

NCT U killed it with BOSS mmm i love all of the hardcore nct music yes

kk bye have a nice day and tf do you guys mean when u say i should sing the ost to this book i can't music produce i'm tRash MARZ help me

P-Nut oot.

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