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Or more simply summarized, the phrase:

"Are you dumbo?"

. . .

"Excuse me?" the relatively tall man asks with an incredulous scoff. He looks angry.

"I'm sorry," Baekhyun apologizes for what seems to be the hundredth time, "Wrong person. I'm really sorry again." Please don't punch me in the face, Baekhyun almost adds.

After he slumps his shoulders and looks over the crowd to find the next tall-ish person, he pushes through and finds himself standing in front of a guy who looks way too old to be dumbo. Immediately, he swerves as if he never saw him and instead bumps into someone else, yelping a little. The ungrateful asshole just gives Baekhyun the meanest glare he's ever seen on a face and he apologizes under his breath again, hoping that the girl didn't wage war on him.

Usually, Baekhyun knows that most people can't beat him up, but now, when he's going around asking a stupid question, he feels like he could faint if someone so much as pinched him.

He checks the time and wants to slam his head on the closest table, wondering why the pizza rush didn't slow down even for one second. Were the students at his school really all starving? Why couldn't they come back later?

At that moment, he spots another tall and lanky guy, making his way over to him.

"Hello?" Baekhyun calls and the guy literally has to look down to stare at Baekhyun in the eyes. He seems nonchalant and only a little cold, but Baekhyun is still afraid to ask the question. Pushing his thoughts aside, he says quickly, "Are you dumbo?"

The guy's eyebrows furrow and he points at himself, looking around for a few seconds. Baekhyun almost asks him why he thinks he'd be craning his neck to talk to any other person. This guy is definitely taller than 6'1.

"No?" he answers almost confusedly and Baekhyun sighs. "Why?"

"I'm looking for someone named dumbo."

"Well that's unfortunate," the male says, "Kris," he introduces himself and doesn't bother with a handshake or anything of the sort.

"Baekhyun," he says with another sigh.

Kris raises an eyebrow at him and Baekhyun gives him the fakest smile purposefully. Kris only snorts and wishes Baekhyun luck on his quest, advancing further in the pizza line.

Baekhyun continues with his fruitless attempts, almost giving up when some guy overreacted and grabbed the collar of his shirt, having to be calmed down by his small little girlfriend that was so short Baekhyun thought Kris from earlier was double her height.

Nonetheless, Baekhyun keeps going, occasionally whipping out his phone to give himself motivation when he sees exactly what kind of threats he had all said toward dumbo. There's no way he's going to let the bastard win.

At this point, it's only half about finding out who dumbo actually is. Right now, Baekhyun's competitive side is burning, and he's determined to find dumbo to throw a chair on his face.

Baekhyun repeats the question until he doesn't even register that he's doing it anymore, merely finding some guy taller than him and repeating it. He usually gets confused reactions or mildly annoyed ones, but at one point this guy looked happy and Baekhyun almost thought his search was over. Sadly, he was wrong, and the guy was only happy because he thought someone was actually hitting on him and that Baekhyun's question was the beginning of some pick-up line.

No one he questioned was dumbo, but Baekhyun surges on, trying to get as many people off his list as possible.

At 12:29 PM, the crowd dies down just a little and Baekhyun moves a tad more freely than before, wondering if dumbo's actually here. What if he's just being played and dumbo isn't actually here? He shakes his head, knowing (hoping) that dumbo isn't like that.

He basically combed the line of people for the pizza, and he even asked some guys who were sitting on the side eating something other than pizza. Baekhyun swears that he won't eat pizza for a while, because it'll only remind him of this moment. Anyways, he decides that Park is definitely not in line for pizza. He already asked all the guys in there and he couldn't have been in front of Baekhyun or else he'd have to wait after, since he said he'd be in the cafeteria.

Baekhyun sees movement out of the corner of his eye and he turns, spotting someone on the other side of the cafeteria who seems to fit the description (the rather vague description). Just as Baekhyun's about to go over there, he feels a hand wrap around his wrist.

Baekhyun turns with a scowl when he sees some dude wearing a mask, but that scowl slips off when he recognizes his eyes.


He's pulled away from the cafeteria and behind doors, into the empty and spacious tunnel leading to the Health Sciences building, crossing his arms when he's freed from the grasp.

"What do you want, Chanyeol," Baekhyun asks and Chanyeol peels the mask off, giving him a grin.

"You looked like you were drowning in a sea of people, so I saved you, my mister in distress," he says, giving a little bow as if he's Baekhyun's knight.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes but his brain's jelly after all of his searching, so he doesn't answer how he usually would. Instead, he finds Chanyeol's company a little amusing.

"You're actually technically killing me then, because I was on a really important quest and you just pulled me aside at the last minute," Baekhyun states and Chanyeol frowns.

"That's not good."

"No, it's not. And I still haven't figured it out yet," Baekhyun grumbles under his breath, feeling defeated as he stares at a pebble on the ground. Dumbo planned this way too well. "I have like a minute left."

"What are you waiting for, then? Shouldn't you finish whatever this is?" Chanyeol asks and Baekhyun contemplates his question, looking up from the ground to stare into Chanyeol's eyes.

Suddenly, he can't seem to take his gaze away and Chanyeol seems to be in the same state, the two of them staring at each other through the muted sound of university students' chatter. Baekhyun wonders what Chanyeol's thinking of—why is he still trying to talk to Baekhyun even after all of his rejections? What made him come here to find Baekhyun? Why did he keep their matching RiIakkuma, when Baekhyun swore that Chanyeol threw it away?

Chanyeol's making it seem like he actually cares.

Baekhyun takes in a breath and Chanyeol's eyes flick to the movement, the dark-haired man's gaze solely on the pink lips.

Baekhyun doesn't know why he says it, but it just comes out of his mouth.

"Are you dumbo?"

The silence between them somehow becomes even quieter, and it's like everything around them is waiting for Chanyeol's answer.

After a few seconds filled with that suffocating silence, Chanyeol's eyebrows furrow for a second before he laughs, shaking his head. "What are you on about?"

Baekhyun sighs and uncrosses his arms.

"Yeah, there was no way."

The clock behind him reads 12:31 PM.

lol, gotcha

why am i making this so unecessarily angsty pfffttftf

double update because updates might not be every day since school is literally tomorrow someone save me

anyway i hope you enjoyed this... lmao they're like cinderella. the time is against them ahaha


P-Nut oot.

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