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^ i won

"Get your fucking alcohol breath away from my face," Baekhyun orders, plugging his nose and pushing Jongdae away with a finger to his forehead. "Why did Junmyeon have to drop you off at our dorm like this?"

"Baekhyun," Jongdae drawls, "I ship you and dumbo, like, so much."

The said man rolls his eyes, wondering why his peaceful before-sleep time had to be ruined by Jongdae's sudden appearance on his bed. Jongdae is currently squishing him in his blanket, sprawled out like a star over Baekhyun's unsuspecting body. His breath reeks of alcohol and he keeps trying to talk into Baekhyun's face (at least it seems like that) and Baekhyun has his head turned, praying to whoever is above that Jongdae will turn to ash.

"Well I don't ship us. Case closed. Get the fuck off my bed and go sleep before you learn what it feels like to be in a coma," Baekhyun says sternly, because he knows—with experience—that drunk Jongdae did not listen, and acts like a pre-teen.

"I can't!" Jongdae whines, "I need to know who this dumbo is!"

He rolls off of Baekhyun then, and he takes the corner of his blanket with him, balling up on his side next to Baekhyun and leaving the annoyed male cold.

"To be honest," Jongdae begins, "Dumbo is kinda what I imagined Chanyeol to be. Like his voice sounds almost exactly like Chanyeol's—now that I've listened to the voice file like eight hundred times. I bet he's hot, too. Baekhyun, you're lucky that he likes you so much or else I'd be taking him for myself."

Baekhyun snorts, grabbing his blanket in handfuls, "Well," he says as he rips the material away from Jongdae's body, "You should be happy that dumbo doesn't like you. He's probably 83."

"He doesn't sound 83. His voice is so—ugh, what I'd do to have a boyfriend with that voice. It's like my own personal Chanyeol."

"Stop comparing him," Baekhyun starts to whine, rolling onto his side so that his back faces Jongdae. "You're going to make me think he's actually Chanyeol."

yay yes we actually won??

tomorrow there's another game but sadly it's against a team 10x better than the one i just played

guys is it bad to say that i don't exactly have a plan for this story... oops

gudnyte y'all

P-Nut oot.

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