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dumbo 4:55 PM
Hey Byun

eatmybyuns 4:55 PM
tf you want

dumbo 4:56 PM
Idk I was bored

eatmybyuns 4:56 PM
talk to kyungsoo or smthing then

dumbo 4:56 PM
Aren't you bored too?

eatmybyuns 4:56 PM

dumbo 4:56 PM
But you're actually answering me

eatmybyuns 4:57 PM
Okay understandable

dumbo 4:57 PM
So what's your favourite fruit?

eatmybyuns 4:57 PM

dumbo 4:58 PM
Oh those are nasty :c the seeds look gross

Bananas are the way to go

eatmybyuns 4:58 PM
wow now you're really living up to ur chanyeol nickname

you hate strawberries and like bananas

dumbo 4:58 PM
How did you know that Chanyeol likes that stuff?

eatmybyuns 5:00 PM
he said it in an interview once

dumbo 5:00 PM

Favourite song?

eatmybyuns 5:00 PM
what does it mean when someone who hates you keeps something worthless you gave them a long time ago?

dumbo 5:00 PM
They never hated you in the first place^ν^

eatmybyuns 5:00 PM

dumbo 5:01 PM

Are you talking about your first love, Byun?

eatmybyuns 5:01 PM
something like that

dumbo 5:01 PM
My first love was really cute

They liked strawberries just like you

eatmybyuns 5:02 PM
well ofc everyone likes strawberries. except u and chanyeol.

my first

. .whatever

was really dumb

dumbo 5:02 PM

eatmybyuns 5:02 PM
they never realized

and they um

left me i guess

dumbo 5:03 PM
Dw Byun ily I'll stay with you even if ur the reincarnation of squidward with how anal you are

eatmybyuns 5:03 PM

dumbo 5:04 PM
Did I actually just make you laugh or are you being sarcastic

Whatever I'll take this as a win

eatmybyuns 5:04 PM
pft okay sure

dumbo 5:04 PM
Are you smiling

eatmybyuns 5:04 PM
why do you always ask such useless questions??

dumbo 5:04 PM
Because they're not useless bby

gugudan's The Boots is rlly lit like slay

okay does anyone play Love Nikki Dress Up Game because I'm kinda obsessed with that rn

and haha chanbaek in this story are so dumb

it's fine

P-Nut oot.

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