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The next day, Chanyeol's there. And then the next, and the one after that, and then the one even after that.

Baekhyun honestly can't fathom why Chanyeol keeps appearing in front of him at the perfect times, always dragging him off to some desolate place and getting rejected without fail. It's like he wants Baekhyun to say "no" a couple thousand more times before he'd give up. It's surprising how he hasn't been found out yet, and on some of those days he has a cap and a mask, but on some odd days, he'd be bare-faced and out in the open. It, admittedly, worries Baekhyun every time he thinks about someone spotting Chanyeol with him.

He appeared in different outfits all five days, and Baekhyun starts to wonder how much Chanyeol packed, or if he was just buying things as he went. He'd offer Baekhyun things, sometimes expensive, but Baekhyun always just rolled his eyes and tried to get away.

"Can I take you out for a donut and a cup of coffee—"

"I'm on a diet."

(So what was the poutine?)

"Wanna watch Black Panther with me tonight?"

"Already watched it."

(He totally didn't talk about wanting to watch Black Panther on his hate group chat.)

"You wanna take a ride in my Lamborghini?"

"Definitely not. It's fucking ugly."

(It's beautiful.)

"It's nice outside today. Can I take you to get an ice cream with me at the water park?"

"I'm allergic to the sun."

(Now that was a flat out lie.)

"What if we just stay here and—"

"No! Chanyeol, how many times do I have to say this?!" Baekhyun finally exclaims, having just come out of a stressful two-hour long exam. "I don't want to associate myself with you!"

This time around, they're standing outside near the bike racks, the trees hanging overhead and flowing in the wind. Baekhyun brushes a strand of hair out of his face in annoyance, glaring at Chanyeol's perfect face. It's too nice outside for his terrible mood.

"Can we just... talk?" Chanyeol suggests.

"About what?! How you left me without even bothering to tell me about it first? Or maybe how you ignored me like I hadn't been by your side for the past four years? Or, perhaps, how you now expect me to miraculously forgive you with your desperate attempts to woo me with your riches?"

"No," Chanyeol says all of a sudden, "I'm not trying to 'woo' you with my riches. I'm just trying to get some time with you so that I can fucking talk to you, Baekhyun. If that's going to be with a coin I found on the ground or all of the savings I have in my bank account, it really doesn't matter. I know I can't buy you with money."

Baekhyun's taken aback by his words and he recoils a bit, his gaze falling to the ground therefor letting his bangs brush over his eyes.

"Whatever. I have nothing to say to you," he mumbles, and it's almost too quiet to hear over the breeze.

"I have a lot to say. Too much, actually."

Baekhyun's lips press into a thin line before he goes to walk away for what seems to be the sixth time. "Well keep trying."

"I will."

ooh ooh, oh eh oh eh oh

how will this play out idk either alrighttt hehah

u liek this update? no? yes?

okay btw Suzy's "SObeR" is actually so good i crie

also sunggyu is coming back soon so all of you reading this, you better drop everything ur doing and go praise this talented human being for being amazing when his MV drops. I expect y'all to do this or Imma just drop this story (now this is true advertisement)

I hop my chapter made u happy :)

P-Nut oot.

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