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It's admittedly getting a little cold outside, but Chanyeol can't find it in himself to leave his spot. He's been stuck here for the past few hours—not physically, but mentally.

With a look at his watch, he realizes that he's been sitting here for at least three hours, and just staring at the sky confirms that. The sun has moved far from where it was when Chanyeol first got here, and he's sure that if he waits another half an hour it'll start descending over the horizon.

Three hours usually seems long for Chanyeol (someone who's busy all the time) but that didn't seem to be the case for him at the moment. Even though the wind is picking up with the approaching of nighttime, Chanyeol still can't convince himself to leave.

The entire time, scenes of his past with Baekhyun keep replaying in his mind, and the guilt he feels whenever he thinks of the brunet keeps him in place. He keeps thinking, over and over again, that three or four hours of waiting for his ex-best friend doesn't even begin to repay what he took from Baekhyun.

And with every hour that passed, he'd gotten a text from Sehun, usually one that asks him if he wants him to come pick him up or if he'd stay for longer. Chanyeol always answered that he'd stay for a little longer, and when he'd get another text from Sehun he realized that he stayed for much longer than a "little".

Chanyeol hears the rustling of leaves behind him and he turns, staring around the tree trunk he's been leaning on, only to be disappointed when he sees nothing.

He's disappointed, yes, but that won't stop him.

He'll wait as long as he needed to.

Maybe Baekhyun doesn't feel the same way about him anymore—maybe he really did want to forget about everything regarding their past relationship, but Chanyeol hangs onto the hope that Baekhyun would at least show up.

He wants to at least explain himself to Baekhyun. Say sorry and beg for forgiveness. He knows that he never should've left the way that he did—has always known, but after doing so he never found the courage to fix his mistakes until now.

The feeling of losing Baekhyun, at his own fault, was terrible the first time. Chanyeol doesn't want to continue with the fact that he lost him a second time because of his failed efforts.

So, Chanyeol waits for Baekhyun.

He waits until the sky transitions from blue to orange to darker blue; until Sehun calls him to figure out if he was kidnapped; until his legs feel so numb that he doesn't know if he can even stand without feeling like a hundred needles are stabbing him.

Chanyeol feels as if his username is starting to fit him more and more now, because he can hear crickets and there's not a soul in sight... but he's dumb, so he waits just a little more.

He keeps convincing himself to wait just a little more, and he nearly falls asleep many times but he always picks himself up.

He knows Baekhyun will show up.

That's just the type of person Baekhyun is.


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