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"Are you busy?"


"Oh yeah, how's dumbo by the way?" Jongdae asks as he chews loudly on his stick of celery, annoying Baekhyun who was currently trying to study at his miniature desk.

"What do you mean?" he questions absentmindedly, still focused on his science review.

"Last I heard, you were apparently ignoring him."

"Oh yeah, he was being annoying and he kept calling me baby."

Jongdae snorts, standing up from his spot to sneakily go over to Baekhyun's side of the room. "Sure. As if you didn't secretly like that."

"I'm going to pretend you never said that."

"I'm not. By now I'm sure that you like those kind of pet names, and dumbo saying that probably made you all embarrassed," Jongdae taunts, reaching Baekhyun's bed side table and grabbing the phone that currently laid abandoned there (Baekhyun abandoned it to focus on studying at the desk opposite to his bed).

"Jongdae. Shut up. Don't involve me in your personal fantasies."

"I wish I could shut up but unfortunately the truth has to be spoken," the best friend sighs in mock sadness, going back the way he came and sitting down on his bed, leisurely going through Baekhyun's phone.

Baekhyun decides to ignore Jongdae's comment, hoping that if he pretends that Jongdae doesn't exist, he won't. Even if he was partially right. Or fully correct.

"Ouch," Jongdae says all of a sudden, causing Baekhyun to momentarily lose track of the info he was reading. He turns for a brief moment and sees Jongdae on his phone, his attention fully straying as he glares at the other.

"I swear, if you text dumbo—"

"Too late. But Baekhyun, seriously? At 5 AM he tells you that he's stressed and worried and you just say 'huh I don't care'?" he questions incredulously, running through the texts that were yet to be deleted.

"Am I supposed to care? I've known the guy for like three weeks," Baekhyun mumbles.

Admittedly, hearing the situation from Jongdae makes Baekhyun feel a little guilty.

"'Oh well you deserved it'. Good job, Baekhyun. Why did I even question the reason dumbo hasn't texted in like a week?"

"Well—!" Baekhyun begins, trying to defend himself but remembering that he also questioned why dumbo wasn't texting at all—mostly during Chanyeol's comeback—and he slumped in his seat when he realized that Jongdae was right. "He can't be that bothered. He wouldn't randomly stop texting because I was a little mean to him," Baekhyun resorts back to grumbling, messing with his pencil as he thinks closely. "I still barely even know who he is..."

"And now you'll never fully know," Jongdae says, suddenly turning off Baekhyun's phone and tossing it onto the bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I unblocked him and texted him from your phone but he still hasn't answered. Guess he hates you now," Jongdae shrugs, feigning disappointment. He honestly likes teasing Baekhyun too much, especially with cases like these when Baekhyun plays hard to get. (Though it was the truth that dumbo hasn't answered yet but everyone knows that people have lives and can't text 24/7.)

Baekhyun scoffs. "Whatever, then," he says nonchalantly, but Jongdae can tell he's bothered. "He was the one that messed with me first," he adds as an afternote.

"I mean, you're right. You barely even knew him. Flirted with him for like a week or two. Let's just find a different person on Instagram to replace him," Jongdae shrugs, watching the other closely.

Baekhyun goes silent and Jongdae almost can't hold back the laughter of victory, having to walk out of the room before he lost his composure.

The moment he gets out, he lets out a breath and cackles to himself.

Baekhyun is too obvious.

lol wtf am I doing

this is honestly so unrealistic I'm sorry guys i trIED

Anyway yeah enjoy the daily update

sadly it might not be daily as much anymore cuz I am ruNNIN OUTTA CHAPTERS


P-Nut oot.

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