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eatmybyuns invited wronghay to the group

eatmybyuns invited jongfuckin to the group

wronghay joined the group

jongfuckin joined the group

jongfuckin 4:05 PM
@eatmybyuns you actually invited me back??

eatmybyuns 4:05 PM
no this is wronghay i stole his phone

byun would never add us again, admit that jongin

jongfuckin 4:05 PM
you're right...


eatmybyuns 4:06 PM
don't crie i found us another friend

eatmybyuns invited minsuckss to the group

minsuckss joined the group

minsuckss 4:06 PM

eatmybyuns 4:06 PM

eatmybyuns 4:06 PM

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hi minseok

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