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Baekhyun still finds it weird that Chanyeol kept the Rilakkuma that he gave him, because he swore that Chanyeol threw it away, and he's only reminded of that when the stuffed animal falls out of its hiding spot.

It happens when he's searching desperately for a particular shirt on a Monday morning, rifling through all the ugly plain ones in his drawer, and when he finally finds the button up that he needs, he pulls it out along with the mentioned animal.

It falls to the ground with a dull thud and Baekhyun stares at it for a second before bending down to pick it up by its midsection, setting his shirt aside.

With both of his hands, he holds it up a little higher than his head to inspect it, finding that it kept its condition over the past years, the only fault in it being the scratch in its right eye.

"You threw him too hard!" Baekhyun says, picking up the little toy with worry. When he flips it over and spots the scratch on its eye, he gasps, turning to Chanyeol with a look of distraught. "His eye is scratched."

Chanyeol makes his way over to Baekhyun, feeling instantly guilty. He only threw it to tease Baekhyun, knowing (well, he thought he knew) that Baekhyun would catch it. Instead, it had whizzed past the brunet's head and smacked against the doorframe behind him.

"You can have mine?" Chanyeol questions and Baekhyun purses his lips before he shakes his head.

"It's okay. This will be his birth mark."

"So I gave birth to him by throwing him against the door?"


Baekhyun sets his Rilakkuma on top of his dresser.

oh, rilakkuma

y'all we won the basketball game and tomorrow we're playing to get 5th place overall. le sigh. out of 14 that's not too bad but mAN it's probably my last time playing on a team (because i probs won't make it onto senior team next year) and i rlly wanted city champs gRRR

And lmao when someone in the comments suggests something/says their theory of the story sometimes I get so shook because it's on point and I may delete your comment because thOSE ARE LIKE SPOILERS BUT NOT AND IT'S LIKE ?!??! so um yeah

P-Nut oot.

omg four updates in a day  h a l l a

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