Chained Up

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Haruka woke with a headache the size of Russia. Quickly realising she was restrained, she pulled on the chains that were keeping her from sitting up.

"PLEASE!!! JUST LET ME GO!!" She screamed.

She tugged at the tight cuffs until a slender white haired man walked in and shut the door. He looked to be in his twenties.

"We have two ways of doing this. You can tell me what your families name is and we can send them the ransom with out you getting hurt or, you can try to fight it and I can break you like you've never been broken before. Your choice." Said the man, leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed.

"I don't have any family. You're not going to get any money. Just let me go and we can forget about this." She tried her best to bargain with him but he was not amused.

"Oh Haruka. I guess you chose the hard way." He said as he rolled up his sleeves.
"Please don't! I promise it's the truth!" She yelled until he gagged her mouth with a bandana. The man lifted up her shirt exposing her thin waist.

"Its a shame. A body like this shouldn't have to endure my kind of pain. But I guess you get what you get." He mumbled as he ran his rough hands up her waist.

The man turned around and got into a drawer. He pulled out an unfamiliar long rope like device and gave it a crack.

A whip?!

"Alright sweet thing, this is gonna hurt alot." He said, expressionless.


After what felt like hours of torture, whipping, and crying, he took out her gag.
"You wanna talk a little bit?" He asked.
"I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, look at my phone. The pin is 1111 and there is a folder on the home page. Click it. That is the article about the car accident my family was involved in. I was at a friend's house. No one lived. That's why I moved from Japan to Korea. I promise. It's the truth." She said as she tried to stop crying.

"We have your bag. I will be back if you're not telling the truth and for your better hope you're lying." He said as he left the room.


Yoongi climbed the stairs and went up to the office door. He opened it with care and walked inside. Jin was at his desk looking at a couple of paper.

"She said she has no family. She isn't budging about but apparently she has proof on her phone." He told Jin.
"Hmm. Well here's her phone." Jin threw yoongi the phone.
"And you tried-"
"Boss, with all due respect, I tried everything. She won't budge." Yoongi interupted. He searched on her phone and clicked on the article. As he read it, he let out a hard sigh.

"Fuck. We really fucked up. She's telling the truth." Said yoongi as he showed the article to Jin. Jin closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"Damn. Now we either have to kill her or keep her here and feed her. Either way this went to shit real quick. Hobi should have done his research." Said Jin.

"So what do you want me to do with her, boss?" Asked yoongi. Jin broke her cellphone in two.

"Kill her I guess." Sighed Jin.

"Damn, she was really cute." Yoongi bowed and left the room. He made his way back downstairs and took out his gun, drawing the attention of Jimin.
"Wait, hyung. What's going on?" Asked Jimin.
"She had no family and isn't a good candidate for the kind of ransom we need therefore we gotta kill her." Replied yoongi.
"You're just gonna shoot her while she's tied down? Isn't that a bit, I don't know, inhumane?" Asked jimin as he followed yoongi.
"I guess. Fine, we'll bring her upstairs and outside and shoot her there. That way she can see the world she's leaving before she dies." Scoffed yoongi.


Haruka tried to pull her hands free from the cuffs but nothing was working. Finally the white haired man came back with an orange haired boy.

"I guess you were telling the truth. What a shame." He whispered.

They both unchained her and recuffed her wrists and ankles. The two pulled her upstairs and into a larger room where the was a man buying drugs from a silver haired boy. She could hear a bit of the conversation.

"Thanks, V. Your prices are so low. Your the only one I do business with." Said the customer. The silver haired boy smiled with a boxy smile.
"Sure thing. That will be $40 for all 8grams."

Wait....I'm not an idiot.

"Wait! I think I know a way that I can help!" She pleaded.
"Shut up-" she quickly cut yoongi off and screamed to the silver haired boy.
"Listen, the running price for a gram of marijuana is $10, right?" She yelled. He nodded his head.
"If you keep selling the way you are, you're going to spiral down in less than a month!" Yelled Haruka.
"How?" Yoongi's eyes narrowed.
"You're selling 8grams for $40 which is 50 percent less. You would need more than a 100 percent consumer lead over rival sellers in the area just to make enough profit to continue selling. If you raise your prices by 25 percent, making 8grams cost $60, you could increase that profit margin and still keep a lead in consumers, in turn, getting you more money."

The men looked at each other. The silver haired boy looked at the customer and held out his hand.
"That will be $60" he smiled. The buyer slammed three 20's in the boys hand and left.

The white haired boy pulled her up to his eye level.
"How did you do all that math that quick?" He asked.
"I study economic accounting in college." She replied.

"Well, we might actually have a use for you." Said another man. He was tall and had dark brown hair with full lips.

"I'm guessing you heard all that, boss?" Asked yoongi to the man.

"Take Haruka to my office. I think I need a word with her." Smiled the boss.

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