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"So. How are we doing?" Asked Jin.

Haruka had worked all day financing  daily expense reports that had been given to her by TaeHyung. She needed to come up with a monthly expense report for the main boss. After hours of hard work she finished and was in office explaining how the gang can turn a new profit.

"Aside from the small pricing error with the marijuana, there's not many issues with your drug department. However, your weapon sales are another issue. You aren't selling nearly enough compared to what your buying. I see how you mostly deal with street sales but have you considered selling to smaller gangs? They would buy in bulk and you could get rid of some surplus that you have." She explained. He pondered a bit and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"You're a very smart young girl aren't you?" His smile was more of a devilish grin that killed her confidence.

"I just know formulas for business. I wouldn't call myself smart." She timidly replied. At that moment Jimin entered and looked quite annoyed for some reason. All attention focused on the orange haired boy.

"What is it, Jimin?" Asked the boss.

"Yoongi and Hoseok are fighting again." Sighed Jimin. Jin quickly got up and took ahold of haruka's arm, pulling her along with him. It was hard for her to keep up with his fast pace but they finally arrived in the main room where it looked as if Hoseok and yoongi were about to throw hands.

"HOSEOK! YOONGI! You two better calm down before I shoot both of you" yelled Jin.

Yoongi looked over to Jin and then noticed haruka was there. He marched over to her and grasped onto her upper arm and began dragging her downstairs.

"Oh, sure! Go ahead! Take all your nonsense anger out on the girl! She didn't do anything to you!" Yelled Hoseok.

"Please. Calm down..." She begged as he pushed her into the torture room.

"Be quiet and get on the bed. Make this easy for yourself, Haruka" he said as he locked the door behind him.


Why even try to fight him...I can take this pain.

She climbed on the bed and placed her hands and ankles inside the cuffs. He turned around and tightened each one.

"Good girl. You're learning." He was still fuming with anger. What ever had gone on between him and Hoseok obviously made him very angry. She took a deep breath.

"Can I have something to bite on this time?" She asked softly. He rolled up a bandanna and gently put it in her mouth.

She was silent as he whipped her waist and legs, aside from her body jolting from the pain. Hit after hit, her blood staining the sheets as it drips along the sides of her waist. The only reason tears weren't falling was because she didn't want to close her eyes. Haruka noticed that somehow, looking at yoongi dead in the eyes made it the torture faster. Maybe he felt guilty and stopped earlier... or maybe he just got instant satisfaction and didn't need to keep hitting her. Either way, she stared at him and he stared right back.

After about 45 minutes of straight torture, yoongi uncuffed haruka and sat in a heap on the chair beside him. She rubbed at her wrists and pulled her shirt down.

"Yoongi?" She asked trying to get his attention. He opened one eye and looked at her.

"Are you okay? You seem more exahusted than normal." She asked as she sat up. Confused, he laughed a dark laugh.

"I just got done whipping you. You're thighs and waist are bloody. Yet, you're asking me if I'm okay?" He asked. She swung her legs off the bed and and tried her best to stand up, however her weak legs couldn't support her. She was about to fall to her knees when Yoongi's arms wrapped around her and held her up. She looked up into his eyes and he looked down at her with a regretful face.
"I'm okay. I guess I went a bit too hard on you today. Just sit for a little." He said as he eased her back on to the bed.

In a couple of minutes he came back with a bottle of water and handed it to her. She took a swig and he sat down next to her.

In her peripheral vision she saw him staring at her almost as if he was inspecting her or examining her.

He bit his bottom lip as he watched she wiped the beads of water off her lips.
"Do I look weird?" She asked.

"You're gorgeous." He replied.

"Oh. Uhm thanks..." She blushed a bit. Did she really just blush at her kidnapper? How could he have made her feel flush? He shook his head and got up.

"This doesn't mean you're free from my whipping. You know that right?" He asked.

It was time she showed him just how strong she was.

"I know." She replied.
"Obviously you're becoming used to the whip. I might need to get different tools. Hot wax, maybe? I don't know. I'm open to suggestions." He laughed.

He was back to his original self. They both walked up out of the room and up to the main room where the others were watching TV. As soon as they came in, gasps filled the room almost as if all the air was being sucked out.

"Fuck, went to far on her this time." Said Tae as he looked at her wounds.

"Are you sure those don't need stitches?" Asked jimin.

"I'm sure. Now shut the fuck up." Replied yoongi immediately.

"I'm just saying, Hoseok is gonna be angry you did this to his target. You know how long he watched her." Replied Jimin.

"Fuck Hoseok. It's my job to torture her that way she never disobeys us. Right, haruka? You will never disobey, correct?" Asked yoongi. All heads turned to her.

"I will never disobey." She nodded her head.

"Damn... You have her whipped.... litteraly and figuratively." Laughed Jungkook.

Haruka went back upstairs to the bedroom to get some sleep after a long torture session. She may have put on a brave face to keep her life, but it took alot out of her and she was absolutely exahusted. She creaked open the door and walked inside shutting the door behind her. Hoseok was laying on his bed flipping through the TV channels until he saw her. He immediately sat up and turned off the TV.

"Did he do that to you?" He asked angrily.

She chose to keep silent.

"DID HE DO THIS??!!" He yelled again.
"Why does it matter to you?! Weren't you planning to sell me for ransom anyway? Or kill me?" She yelled back.

"I never would have let you be killed. I picked you because I was drawn to you. To see a beautiful goddess like you wounded by scum like yoongi makes me angry." His voice got softer.

"Goddess?" She repeated his word. He started laughing and rubbed the nape of his neck.

" don't even know how beautiful you you?" His cheeks were blushed and so were hers.

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