So Close

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Later that night, after the rest of the boys came home from a successful robbery, they all began getting ready for bed. Haruka had wandered her way into Jimin and Hoseok's room. She was in the middle of playing a classic game with them.
A drinking game.

"Alright take a drink if..... You have ever gotten into a fight." Said Hoseok knowing fully well both him and Jimin had. Of course they both took a shot. Haruka took one also.
"What?!" Asked jimin as he started laughing. She laid on the bed and laughed with them.
"Yeah I was in grade school and this guy kept picking on me. He would tie my hair in a knot until I finally knocked him out in the middle of class." She giggled.
"Damnnnn!" Replied Jimin and Hoseok.
"What about you guys?! I can't expect Jimin to fight..." She said as she sat back up.
"Well actually it was Hobi I fought and damn did he lay me flat. Hoseok used to be real tough back in jail. Neither me or Kook would dare talk to him or even look in his area." Said Jimin. Hoseok pushed him.
"Come on man. I'm not like that anymore. Don't scare her from me." Laughed Hoseok.

"I hate to interrupt your slumber party but Boss wants to talk to Jimin." Said yoongi as he stayed in the door way. Jimin nodded and left leaving Hoseok and haruka alone.
"Hobi, why did you choose me to kidnap? Why did you choose my life to change?" She asked.

He scooted closer to her and brushed her hair back behind her ear. Hoseok let his finger run down her cheek and further down her neck. His eyes were opened halfway and his lips were just barely parted.
"I needed you in my life, no matter how I got you there." He whispered.

She could feel her heart stop as he leaned in closely, their lips almost touching. She felt as if she was breathing his air. He put his hand on her shoulder and very gently pushed her down on the bed as he whispered "I just need you Haruka..."

Suddenly they heard Jimins voice in the hallway and it startled haruka. She jumped a bit and Hoseok got off of her slowly and smiled.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have been that bold. Just understand that I want you. Jin wants you. Yoongi wants you. Everyone wants you." He whispered. She left just as soon as Jimin entered the room.

What used to be her torture chamber turned into her safe haven. She had made it her own with decorations around the room and new furniture purchased for her by the boys. She snuggled up in bed and fell asleep.

She woke up peacefully that next morning. Haruka got dressed into some jean shorts and a white tank top and made her way into the kitchen to start breakfast.

Yoongi was the first to come into the kitchen to greet haruka. As she saw him out of the corner of her eye, she turned around and waved.
"Morning!" She cheered as she continued scrambling eggs. Yoongi raised his eyebrows. As he came up behind her he played with her white tank.

"A little see through isnt it?" He mumbled.
"No. It's just like any other white tank top." She replied. He forcefully turned her to face him and pulled her waist to his.
"Don't talk to me like that." His fingers were holding on to her waist so tight, she could have gotten bruises.
"I'm sorry." She muttered under her breath. He frightened her.
"Maybe I'll punish you anyways. Ive gotten really tense since I haven't been able to whip that sexy little body of yours." His voice was husky. She was silent as his hands moved around her body.

"Off." Jins voice made Yoongi's hands immediately leave her. Yoongi laughed and left the room.

"Thanks." She smiled as she continued cooking.

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