Air Conditioning

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That night, after cleaning up the house a bit, haruka went into her room to get ready for bed, when she noticed that the floor was a large puddle of water.

"Guys! My room is wet..." She yelled upstairs. All of them came down to inspect (and play in) the water on the floor.

"It's coming from the AC vent. I can fix it but we have to wait until I can get to the store tomorrow to get another pipe." Explained Jimin. He was also pretty handy to have around in times like these.

"Well you cant sleep in here like this." Sighed Jin to haruka.
"Oh it's alright. I'll be fi-" cut off. Again.

"No. Just sleep with Namjoon for tonight. His bed is the largest. I don't want to deal with this shit right now. Everyone, back to bed!" Yelled Jin as he locked up haruka's room.

Namjoon pulled haruka up the stairs and into his bedroom. Hoseok of course slammed his door when he went to his own room. He figured this was his punishment for not looking closely enough into haruka to tell she had no family to begin with.

Back in Namjoon's room, haruka washed her face in his bathroom.
"I'm not like the others. I won't make sexual advances on you when you don't ask for them. But if you want them you only need to ask." Winked Namjoon as he stood in the bathroom doorway, shirtless. She rolled her eyes and patted her face dry with the towel.

"I'll sleep in the chair" she mumbled.
"Come on. Just sleep in the bed with me. It's a king and has more than enough space for both of us. I promise I was only joking." Namjoon said as he guided her to the bed. He got underneath the covers and she laid on top.

Namjoon liked for the TV to be playing a movie before he went to sleep. Halfway into the movie he noticed she was shivering.
"You're cold. Why don't you get under the covers?" He asked holding the blanket open for her. She shook her head.

"You're just like the others. You're gonna get me under the covers, spoon me, and then expect something. I don't want that." She replied.
"Listen. I'm tired. The last thing I want is to spend time fucking. You can do what you want but I would suggest you get under here and let me warm you up. You could get a cold." Said Namjoon as he yawned.

She turned to look at him, paused, and made her way under the covers. He opened his arms and she moved in to them. Namjoon wrapped them around her and warmed her body up with his.
"Don't try anything." She warned him.
"I promise, I won't." He replied.
She closed her eyes and let his body warmth comfort her. Soon she drifted to sleep.

Haruka woke up the next morning alone. Namjoon had already gone to work. She sat up and check her clothes. To her relief, everything was still on. The bed was extremely comfortable and her back didn't ache like it had for the last few days. She looked beside her at the clock which read 10:23 am. It was pretty late for her to be waking up. She got out of bed and walked downstairs to an amazing smell. Jin had just finished cooking with the help of Jungkook.

"I see you enjoyed your sleep." Laughed Jin.
"Yeah. The bed was really nice." She smiled as she nodded.
"You should consider moving into one of the boys rooms. There are much softer beds in there compared to your metal cot." Said Jin. It would be nice to not ache every morning but did she really want to sleep in a room with one of these guys?

"You can always sleep with me! And I can always give you a good fucking whenever you want!" Yelled yoongi from across the room. Hoseok pushed him and they started wrestling.
"You don't fuck a girl like that! You caress her!" Hoseok yelled in response.

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