XXIV. Dusk Till Dawn

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Harry wasn't sure if it was the blue and green neon lights swirling around the dance floor or the inviting smell of vodka that was putting him in a decent mood. After the recital, he changed out of his dress clothes and became his usual fashionista self, someone he hadn't seen in awhile. His hair felt soft, manageable, and oil free. His body was doused in cologne, and his feet strutted his boots.

"Who are you?" Niall joked. "My friend Harry wears nothing but sweats and a greasy man bun lately..."

"My hygiene got that bad, huh?" Harry asked smelling under his arm.

"Let's put this way...I hated spotting you at the gym...." Liam confessed.

"Eh, it was a hard time. That all changes tonight. Bottoms up!" Niall gave Liam a leave Harold alone look before putting his shot glass in the up as Harry copied him. They both downed their ounce and made their way to the middle of the dance floor. Liam laughed before ordering another refill.

Harry swayed his music to the beat, throwing his head back as he became sweaty. Niall watched him carefully to make sure the only substance he was taking tonight was the alcohol. He didn't want him to repeat his vicious cycle of dealing with things unhealthy. Though alcohol wasn't a good choice either, tonight it would be used to fun.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. His tall frame scanned down to see a petite woman with long brown hair and a crop top sucking on the straw of her mojito alluringly. She passed her drink to her friend and grabbed Harry's waist.

"Do you remember me?" She yelled over the music. "Sophomore year!"

Harry looked at her one more time, his eyes making contact with a dangling navel ring. "Yeah...um...Brittany, right?"

"Bethany," she rolled her eyes.

"Right..." he slurred. "Well, it was nice talking to you again." He made his way back to the bar. "What are we doing here, Li?"

"Having a good time!" Liam shouted as he handed Harry a Jager Bomb. "Celebrate your and Niall's auditions! Just be in the moment! Maybe meet someone if we're lucky..." His skimmed the room and made eye contact with a blonde. "Excuse me."

Harry laughed as he went and found Niall, dancing with him like nobody was watching. He grabbed Niall's shot out of his hand and threw his head back. "Having a good time, indeed. Calming the static," Harry surprised himself and covered his mouth. Does everything have to remind me of Louis?

Feeling dizzy, Harry took Niall's hand and pretended to waltz; laughing as others grinded upon their partners.

"We could do that...." Harry joked as he wiggled his hips onto Niall's pelvis. "Or we could twerk."

"Or we can go and talk to this blondie..." Niall playfully pushed him off.

"First Liam, now you..." Harry groaned latching onto Niall. As Niall tried to walk forward, Harry fell clumsily on his ass.

"Now that's my friend. He's officially back!" He extended his hand for Harry to grab it.


Zayn parked his car and turned off his headlights in the middle of a field. The only landmarks that could be seen was an old rugged barn that appeared abandoned and the midnight stars. He opened his trunk and got out a bundle of blankets, stretching them out on the cold grass. He made sure they were layered thickly as he knew Louis was often cold due to his disorder.

He then opened the door for Louis and walked him over the blankets, laying him down and covering him in a cocoon. Next, he walked by to his car and got out 2 battery operated lanterns and placed them next to the blankets before turning on music from his car. After completing his supply run, he snuggled impossibly close to the blue eyed man who was gazing up at the stars; though he'd never be able to compete with the twinkle in his own eyes.

Not tryna be indie
Not tryna be cool
Just tryna be in this
Tell me how you choose
Can you feel why you're in this
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room
'Cause I wanna touch you, baby
And I wanna feel you, too
I wanna see the sunrise and your sins
Just me and you
Light it up, on the run
Let's make love, tonight
Make it up, fall in love, try
But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

"Got us some hot cocoa," Zayn said lifting up the thermal. "Fat free," he added. "And some fruit because you need the glycose. Don't think I haven't noticed you've been yo-yoing again," he said bopping hos nose.

"I didn't even know you had something like this in you," Louis giggled. "Who are you and where's my Zaynie?"

Smiling fondly at him, Zayn pulled him deep into his chest in an attempt to preserve as much of Louis' body temperature as he could. "Eh, I've been saving these romantic gestures for someone...Someone fit to be a King because he rules my heart. Someone who loves poetry." He moved closer to Louis staring greedily at his lips.

Though Louis' lips felt cold, it still lit a fire inside his soul.

Clearing his throat, Zayn reached in his coat pocket. "I wrote you something. Don't laugh. I know you like poems so...."

Louis perked his ears up, listening with his eyes closed.

It was as if by fate
That I was blessed with my blue eyed flame
Flickering on the wall
That day I knew, I'd never be the same.
He may not know the nights
I stayed up to make sure he was breathing
and how it hurt me when he chose green eyes
As if me he was not seeing.
& maybe he'll never know
How much I longed to touch his skin
Every night when he came back
From being with green eyes again.
I couldn't give it up
No matter how much I tried
Nobody ever compared
To the flame burning deep inside
So I waited until he was ready
and a kiss we forever sealed
The love that I already felt
and now his fully revealed.
Please know I'll never take this for granted
because you'll always be my Lou
and on this night, I confess
I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you.

As Zayn finished his poem, with the small paper trembling within his hands, he looked and smiled at a crying Louis who appeared to be touched in a place he never felt alive before. The cold air pierced through his fragile body as he laid under the mountain of heavy blankets but through the shimmering of the moon, Zayn swore he could see a glimpse of love in his eyes.

"I don't know what to say..." Louis sniffled.

Zayn wiped a lonely tear strolling down Louis' distinctive cheekbone. "You don't have to say anything, Lou. Just you being here with me is enough." He grinned. "But I know you're cold. I have one more place for us to go tonight." He said taking Louis' hand and pulling him up. He put Louis in the car as he packed all the blankets.

"Remember what I said a while back? Love is infinite. Remember that. My love for you is like the stars. Without the Sun, we couldn't survive. Without you, I'd just burn out, Lou. I love you." He reached over and kissed Louis softly.

Louis shivered, partly because of the weather and mostly because he felt torn. Nothing was making sense anymore. Too many voices in his head. Ana chip away at his sanity, his health. The voice of reason told him he should apologize to Harry; at least to talk to him, and the voice of impulse and distraction kept whispering to continue down this new path.

Tonight, the voice of distraction became the dominate voice. He pulled Zayn into him more, extending the kiss to a fiery thirst. He trembled when he felt Zayn put his hand on his upper thigh.

Distracted by the romantic atmosphere, they didn't see the car parked on the hill that was watching them.


Authors Note: Really hope the next few chapters are now I envision them in my head!  <3 & sorry for my shi**ty poetry again 😂

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