Chapter Eleven ~ Disasterology

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Song: Gotta Get Out - Five Seconds of Summer 

Title Credit: Pierce the Veil

Picture of Eliana to the side 


My cheeks were still burning red as my memory recoiled the events that had happened between Martin and I just seconds before. As much as I hate to admit it, I felt grateful that Alex had ruined the moment by jumping into the pool. He's the only man who has ever felt my lips and I planned to keep it that way. Something about kissing anyone else but Alex didn't sit right with me. Despite thinking this, I knew that Alex had other plans. He said it himself; He could have any girl he wanted to.

Although, I strongly disagreed with his statement. Sure, he was incredibly good looking, but that didn't mean that every girl with a beating heart was pooling their panties over him. Take Eliana, Brenda and Mary, for example. Neither of them looked the least bit interested in the tattooed man. But this was most likely because they were taken by someone else. It wasn't hard to believe that a single woman might throw herself at Alex for his looks.

I wondered if any of the women he'd slept with actually cared about him. I mean, his wretched personality was an extreme turn off, but people have strange fetishes, right? They could have been attracted to the sense of danger and coldness that radiated off of his body. Although this feature was extremely captivating, I never could understand why most women in television series or movies seemed to choose the 'bad boy' over the sweet friend. If I were in the same position as any of the women in those movies were, I would have definitely chosen the kind friend over the rude boy.

A sudden questioned popped in my head; Did Alex stop the kiss intentionally? I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't jumped into the pool with purpose, but maybe he did have a reason for doing a cannonball at the worst time imaginable. Maybe, just maybe, he was trying to stop the kiss from happening because he didn't want anything to spark between Martin and I.

This I thought and this I hoped. Would Alexander Gaskarth really be willing to go at such lengths to stop a simple kiss? It really didn't seem possible, but a small thread of hope hung inside me, wishing that it were true.

"Hey," I heard Martin say behind me. I turned around, my back pressed against the edge of the underground swimming pool. The jets hit against my back with force, oddly creating a relaxing sensation. "Are you alright?" He asked, voice laced with genuine concern. His hand gently grasped my arm and he swam closer to me. The last thing I wanted was to recreate the scene from earlier so I released my hold from his, trying my best not to make it seem obvious that I was trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

Forcing a smile, I nodded a yes. "I'm fine, really." I said. My answer was more or less true. My thoughts were still racing and my face still burned bright red, but the colour was beginning to dim to a light shade of pink. Martin nodded hesitantly, clearly not convinced by my answer.

He turned around and glared at Alex who was leaning against the staircase of the pool, a proud grin on his face. "What the hell is your problem, Alex?" Martin shouted. He didn't sound angry, just irritated. The frustration in Martin's voice only made Alex's grin grow wider. He shrugged, looking away as if it were no big deal. Martin sighed, sending him the middle finger before he returned his attention to me. "Do you still want to swim?" He asked.

Before I could even open my mouth to reply, a scream was heard and another loud splash. Jack laughed hysterically, gripping his sides as he looked down at Mary. She was reaching for the surface and once she did, the look on her face instantly silenced Jack. She glared at him, her soft grey eyes turned into a piercing gaze that even made me shiver in fear. I had never sympathized anyone as much as I did with Jack at that moment.

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