Chapter Twenty Six ~ Sleeping Alone

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Songs; Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer

Beside You - 5 Seconds of Summer

Don't Let Me Go - Harry Styles [How many times have I put this song in here?]

You're all going to hate me. ~Mae


It'd been two weeks since Myra left and honestly, things had been going a lot better than I originally expected. I'm not sure exactly how I thought things would go, but I didn't expect things to go as well as they were. For the entire first week, I called Myra every morning and we would talk for hours on end. This continued until Valeria insisted that I was messing up Myra's sleeping schedule, so instead of calling her every night--Valeria made some stupid rule that I could only call Myra on the weekends.

I also talked to Nanna and apologized to her for not being able to call. Nanna was quick to forgive me and [to my surprise] wasn't mad at all. Instead, she pressed me to give her details of the 'rude delinquent', as Valeria had described him, that I was sleeping with. Which wasn't true, but I didn't bother explaining this to Nanna. I half expected her to chew me out for being in a relationship with Alex, but she didn't. In fact, she insisted that we fly to London so she could meet him.

Although the idea of going back to London for a weekend did sound a bit appealing, I highly doubted that Alex would want to join so I turned the idea down.

Tomorrow, I started my first day at Jeffrey's publishing house and to say the very least, I was beyond nervous. I had met up with Jeffrey a few times to discuss the job, but that was pretty much it. He still teased me about the time I had to borrow his sweater and every time he did, my face turned as red as a tomato.

Jeffrey also explained that since the job was 'professional', there was a dress code everyone had to go by. Basically the dress code prohibited anyone to wear casual clothing. This, sadly, meant that I had to go shopping for new clothes. At first, I wanted to go with Alex, but I figured that with the way he had been acting, things wouldn't be very fun. Alex didn't seem like the type of person who could stand to go shopping for hours, anyways.

I thought of all the possible people to call and in the end, I decided to just call Joey. He had been busy these past few weeks with planning the wedding, so when he agreed to join me, I felt a mixture of relief and happiness wash over me. Alex was busy sketching things into his sketchbook so I don't think he cared when I told him that I was going to go shopping for clothes with Joey.

"Alex," I said, poking his cheek. He grunted and continued to ignore me, which managed to amuse me more than irritate me. I groaned and gently hit the back of his head. Again, Alex continued to ignore me and this time, I was beginning to grow irritated. "I just wanted to tell you that Joey couldn't make it so I'm going with Jeffrey instead." I bit my lip, holding back laughter once I saw his expression quickly change.

A horn sounded from outside, signaling Joey's arrival. "Well, I'm off now." I hid my smug smile and grabbed my purse, starting for the front door.

Alex groaned behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back on the couch with him. He buried his face into my neck, planting soft kisses on my skin. "Please don't tell me you're actually going out with that asshole." I frowned, feeling slightly offended by his words. Jeffrey definitely did come off as a major jerk, but he honestly wasn't that bad. In fact, he was actually a pretty nice lad.

Sighing quietly, I pried off Alex's arms and stood up from the couch. "So now you decide to pay attention to me?" I snapped, glaring at him. Maybe getting angry wasn't a reasonable thing to do, but I didn't really care. Alex had been ignoring me for a few days because he had spent all his time sketching god knows what into his sketchbook. Whenever I'd ask to look at his new sketches, he'd push me away or change the subject to something else.

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