Chapter Twenty Nine ~ Patience

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Songs; Arabella - Artic Monkeys

Trumpets - Jason Derulo

Little Things - One Direction

Say Something - A Great Big World

By the way, I apologize for the extremely long author's note in the end. There was just SO much I needed to tell you guys.

This chapter was written in 3rd pov bc that was like the only way I could really get it written. I hope you guys don't mind :)


Abella rolled to her side, groaning quietly once she felt the pain between her legs. She opened her eyes and smiled once she saw the naked man that laid beside her. Memories of the night before played in her mind, making her smile grow even wider. The sun was peeking in through the shades, making Abella squint and cover her eyes with her hand. She sighed, trying to ignore the pain as she sat up on her bed and grabbed her cellphone from the nightstand.

She checked the time, a quarter to ten--which meant that she already late for work.

"Crap." Abella muttered, placing her phone back on the nightstand. She stood up and stretched her arms in the air, letting out a small groan. Her entire body was sore and the last thing she wanted to do was go to work. She didn't have the energy to read and edit through manuscripts. All she really wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep for the next three months.

Abella looked around the messy room, shaking her head once she realized that Alex had let the entire place go completely. She tied her hair in a loose ponytail and slipped on Alex's t-shirt before she began to pick up the mess. Bottles of alcohol and beer cans laid around the room, making Abella cringe. She didn't want to think about how much Alex had drank in the past two weeks. She didn't realize how much the break up had affected him as well.

Her heart ached once she realized just how much pain she had put him through.

But he had done the exact same thing.

Deciding that the small trash bin was not big enough to hold that many cans of beer, Abella headed downstairs to grab a trash bag. As she entered the kitchen, she came face to face with a smug looking Riley.

"From all the screaming I heard last night," she snickered, "I can only assume that you and Alex are back together again?" Her side was pressed against the entrance of the kitchen, green eyes pierced into Abella's appearance. Riley was ecstatic to see that Alex had crumbled down the cement walls he had built over the past two weeks, but she couldn't deny the jealous feeling that sparked within her.

Abella nodded, quickly moving past Riley to hide her bright red face. She felt embarrassed that Riley had heard her screaming, but she didn't regret anything that happened last night.

She opened the cabinets from underneath the sink and grabbed a plastic garbage bag. "I'm sorry if we kept you up." Abella apologized, turning around to face the tattooed girl. "But, uh, yes. Alex and I are together again..." She trailed off, her gaze flickered to floor. She knew that Riley was more of a friend now, but she still couldn't fight the slight jealousy she felt toward the pretty girl.

Alex and Riley were exactly alike.

But Abella knew that she was still the one who truly held his heart.

Riley laughed quietly and shook her head, waving her hand to dismiss her apology. "It's cool," she smiled brightly. "I'm just happy that Alex, uh, opened up to you..." She trailed off, chuckling quietly. "Anyways, you won't have to worry about me for much longer. I'm going to sign the papers for my own place today. You have all day to be as loud as you want." She winked, her words making Abella's face redden even more.

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