Chapter Twenty Two ~ In Control

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Song; Sweet Love - Chris Brown

Warning; This chapter gets sexual [I'm not posting anymore warning because later, this story will get graphic so if you don't like smut then I suggest you just stop reading... or skip through it. Whatever tickles your pickle.]


It felt nice having an entire week without having to work. For some reason, Jeffrey didn't want me to being work until near the end of July, but I was fine with that. The bills had been paid with some of the money from my checks (and sadly, I had to dip into the savings I had for Myra and I), but other than that, things were going pretty well.

Alex had been spending a lot more time at my place, to the point where he had even spent a few nights with me. Of course, without actually doing anything since Myra was in the same house as us. But Alex seemed to grow tired of never actually being alone so he secretly arranged for us to spend a few days alone. This I didn't find out until today when Jack came over to pick Myra up.

When he explained to me his plan, I was hesitant, but he reassured me that Mary was with him. Even after living in Baltimore for a month and a half, I felt reluctant to allow Jack to care for Myra since he really didn't come off as mature enough to take care of her. I guess he had proven himself responsible enough to take care of Myra, but I always felt a bit hesitant.

I gave in anyways and told Myra to go get her things. "Don't you ever get tired of babysitting?" I had asked him, my body leaned against the door frame of the kitchen. I assumed most guys don't necessarily look forward to taking care of little kids on the weekend. But something about Jack had changed since the first time I encountered my strange neighbor.

Jack simply shook his head and smiled at my question. "I know," he told me, "that Mary wants kids. She talks about them all the time." Since I'd met Jack, I could see the noticeable different Mary had affected him with. He was still his same perverted self, the only different was that he was in love.

"Do you want kids, Jack?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He didn't strict me as the type of person who'd want to settle down and have kids. Jack Barakat always seemed like the type of guy who'd stay single forever. Obviously, I was proven wrong.

Jack shrugged, a smile on his lips as he played with the rip in his jeans. "Not now, obviously," he replied, "but if Mary got pregnant or something, I wouldn't be mad. Hell, I embrace the idea of having mini Jacks around. It'd be pretty cool. Besides, I just want Mary to be happy." He said. As soon as he spoke those words, my heart fluttered at how adorable he seemed to be while talking about his girlfriend. "Taking care of Myra helps me kinda get an idea of how things might be someday."

Just as he finished his heart warming speech, Myra rushed back into the living room with her backpack. She smiled eagerly and made her way toward Jack, two favorite dolls in her hands. Jack grinned and stood up from the couch, waving good bye as he left the house with Myra.

I sighed, unsure of what to do with my free time. Alex didn't tell me what time he would be coming, but my guess was that I had about an hour of time to myself. I decided to take a shower since I had been cleaning the house all day and was in desperate need of one.

Heading into my bathroom, I turned on the shower and waited until the room was fogged with steam. I began to peel off my clothing, but before I could enter the warm shower, the doorbell rang.

Groaning loudly, I grabbed the robe I had bought days prior and hurried downstairs. To my surprise, and relief, Alex stood on the porch, dressed in nicer clothing than usual. His hair was still messy, but I loved it that way. He had on a white collared shirt with the first couple of buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing his heavily inked arms. He smiled, but it quickly disappeared once his eyes trailed down my body.

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