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Hey guys! So this is my prologue to my book. I hope you like it :)

Oh, and the necklace is the picture above, which is also the cover. I might change it though.


Aria POV
I look at the dragon in my hand. Err, dragon necklace. My finger travels to the red gem by the dragon. My mom said that it was a ruby, but i'm not sure if it's real. I also wonder if the key really goes somewhere. My mom always told me the story of king Hiryuu and The four legendary dragon warriors. As a child, I always loved the story and believed that dragons are real, so I would always put "Red dragon" on my Christmas list. Needless to say, I never got it. Now that I'm older, I have accepted that it's only a story and there are no dragons or dragon warriors. But I can't help to think that the dragon on my necklace reminds me of Hiryuu, which is silly since I have no clue of what Hiryuu looks like. I let the necklace fall into my lap. I feel the cold metal make contact with my skin since I was wearing sweatpant-shorts.

I lean my head back and close my eyes. Nothing like enjoying the sun and listening to music. I reach for my bag in order to pick up a can of Coca Cola. I take it out and try to open it but the the metal cut my finger. I place the can next to me and look at my finger. It was bleeding and a drop of blood landed on the dragon part of my necklace. I mentally cursed my luck and tried to remove the blood, but hesitated. The blood moved from the dragon to the ruby. Then the blood disappeared. I leaned closer to inspect where it could have gone when I saw something in the ruby. It looked like a...dragon? It was flying around in the ruby and then stopped. It looked like it was roaring, but I didn't hear anything. A light appeared and I put my hands out to shield myself from the light. The music from my headphones was unable to hear over the roar that I now could hear. I felt a burning pain on my lap which I could guess was from my necklace. The only thing I could think about was the dragon in the ruby before everything went black.

Thank you for reading :)) This was short since it was only the prologue but 'real' chapters will be longer :)

This book will have around 20 chapters, depending on how much I'll include in every chapter

I will update every week at this time, on this day since while I'm writing this I am also writing chapter 12, haha. When I'm done with all the chapters I will upload twice a week.

Next chapter: Chapter #1: Hak

This other world | {Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the dawn fan fiction} (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now