Chapter #10: Friend of Foe?

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Aria POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and looked around me. I saw that everybody was sleeping, so I reached for my bag. I opened the bag and took the sword that Kija had given me. I smiled to myself and quietly stood up. I walked into the forest and looked for a place to train. I found a pretty good place and removed the sheathe from the sword. My sword reflected the light from the moon onto the ground. I threw the sheathe next to me and got into a fighting stance.

Let's see....

I repeated some of the fencing lessons in my head and started swinging the sword around. It was actually starting to look good, but then I locked swords with someone else. I looked up and saw the man from yesterday with blonde hair. I gave him a look of surprise and removed my sword from his. He took his own down and smiled.

"Hello" He said

"Um, hello" I hesitantly said. I remembered that this guy was accompanied by 4 guards and one man that looked very strong.

"Who are you?" He asked me. I hesitated. Should I tell him? Why does he want to know anyway? 

Then, I got an idea. And my ideas usually work.

"My name is Destiny. And you are?" I lied. Destiny was actually my middle name, but I always wanted it to be my first. I mean, I like Aria. But Destiny is so....unusual? I don't know, I just love it.

"I'm—"He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by someone shouting.

"Lord Soo won!" Soo won? Where do I recognize that name? I pulled up my cloak which had come down and turned around to leave, only to see a man with black hair standing in front of me.

The guy from before!

"Who are you?" He said and drew his sword. He drew it so fast that I didn't realize that it created a cut on my arm. I looked at the cut and saw that he not only cut through my coat, but I was also bleeding. He pointed his sword at me. I didn't move. Are you kidding me?! I can't fight this guy! I tried backing away but then he started running towards me. The sudden movement made me trip and fall onto the ground. I turned my face away and closed my eyes. There I sat on the ground, while awaiting death. Then I heard two swords clashing. I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head around. I saw a big figure with a fluffy fur standing in front of me.

"Shin-ah!" I said, relived. He turned his head around to look at me and saw my cut. I could see him gritting his teeth and turning back around.

"Joo-doh! Put your sword down" 'Lord Soo won' said. The man, who I assume is 'Joo-doh', put his sword back in it's sheathe. Shin-ah puts his own sword down and walks up to me. He pulls up my arm to look at it and I wince from the pain. In the corner of my eye I see Soo won approaching us. Shin-ah seems to notice it too, because he lets go of my arm and turns around with his hand on his sword. Soo won backs up and Joo-doh jumps in front of him.

"Joo-doh, I think it's time that we take our leave" Soo won said. Joo-doh nodded in agreement and backed away. Soo won looks at me and smiles.

"I'm sorry about that. Take this as an apology" He said and took out something from his pocket. He puts a little bag on the ground next to him and turns back to me.

"Good bye, I hope we can meet again" He said and walked into the woods with Joo-doh. I looked into the woods over Shin-ah's shoulder. They're gone. Who were they anyway?

I get up from the ground and walk towards the little bag. I pick it up and undo the ribbon that keeps it sealed. Inside of it is a small box. I took of the lid and looked inside. I picked up the item from the box and studied it. It looks incredibly beautiful and very expensive. How could that guy afford it? I put the item back in the box and then put the lid on it. I put the box in the little bag and tied a new ribbon to seal it.

Truly a beautiful hairpin


We return to the camp and I walk up to Yoon and ask him to treat my wound.

"How did you get this?" He said while wrapping up my arm in a bandage.

"Uh.........I tripped and fell on a really sharp rock?" I tried lying. I mentally facepalmed when I realized how stupid it sounded.

"Uh-huh, is that so?" Hak said and got up from the ground. He walked up to me and kneeled down to look at my wound. He then looked up at me again.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"I just can't help but to think that it looks like a sword cut" He told me. Kija turned around instinctively and looked at my wound. I tried to look as surprised as I could but I'm not sure if it was working.

"Pfft whaaat? Nooo~" I said, dragging out the 'a' and the 'o'. Hak looked at me in disbelief and Kija just looks like a mix of worry and anger. I sighed and explained to what really happened.

"I was training in the woods and then this man appeared. We talked for a little while until another man showed up and threatened me with a sword. I was so shocked that I backed away, but then his reflexes made him cut me with his sword. Shin-ah came and they were about to start fighting but the other man broke it up. They disappeared and me and Shin-ah went back." I told them. Both Hak and Kija looked really mad and if I hadn't stopped them, someone's head would probably be rolling by now. 

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Shin-ah saved me" I said and smiled at Shin-ah. Shin-ah was looking at me the entire time. I looked at my arm that now had a bandage around it.

It's funny because this is the same arm that Kija hurt. Does this world hate my arm that much?


This took so long to complete and it's not even a long chapter -.- And my friends keep bugging me about telling them my username so that they can read this story :/ I will probably tell them when I have uploaded 15-16 chapters or so haha

Or not

But anyway, did you like it? I hope you did :))

Thank you as always for reading! Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #11: Port town of Awa

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