Chapter #7: Master of locating

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Aria POV

My eyes squinted at the sudden light after being in the darkness for a while. The stranger let go of my hand. I looked up at him.

"Come...." He said quietly and I started walking. I followed him through different tunnels until we turned at a corner. Around the corner stood Kija, Yoon and Hak with their backs facing me. They were talking about something. Probably me. Hak turned around and saw me.

"Aria!" He almost shouted and went up to hug me, but Yoon pushed him away and hugged me first. Kija also turned around and looked relieved to see me. When I looked down at Yoon, he was on the brink of crying.

"You idiot! Don't you remember what they said about if you go into the tunnels you won't—" he stopped talking and almost cried again. I hugged back tightly and tried not to cry. What? I hate crying in front people.

I remembered my savior and turned around to look at him. He was staring at Kija and when I looked at Kija, he was staring right back.

"You..." Kija started. I looked at him confused. What's going on? I looked back at the man with the mask. He turned around the corner and ran. I don't understand.

What if that was actually Kija's long lost brother that he had been separated from because of family drama and they just met for the first time in a long time?

Maybe, maybe not.

"Wait!" Kija shouted after him and tried to run after, but when he looked around the corner, he was gone. Kija looked back at me.

"Was that..?" I said slowly. Kija nodded.

"That was Seiryuu" oh



We went back to our room and decided to not tell the villagers about my little adventure. Hak placed me under house arrest and I obviously started complaining.

"I was trying to help you!" I said, looking at Hak.

"By sneaking out in the middle of the night and getting lost?!" He snarled back at me. I didn't get lost though. Kind of.

"Well, what was I supposed to do? Sit around and do nothing?"I said, almost shouting at this point.


"I wanted to help, but you wouldn't let me go!"

"Well I certainly won't do that now!"

I turned away from him and crossed my arms. He sighed and sat down.

"Women..." He mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

"Men..." I mumbled back, loud enough for him to hear. I could feel him glaring at me.

Oh, so when you say it it's fine but when I say it it's suddenly not? Listen up here you—-


Hak and Kija ended up leaving. I could hear Kija scold Hak and eventually, both of them were fighting. Me and Yoon stayed in our room. Yoon was looking at some herbs while I sat in a corner.

"He just gets mad because he cares about you. He doesn't want you to get hurt" Yoon said without looking at me. Oh, really now? Then, felt the ground shake a tiny bit. I laid down on the ground with my ear facing down. Oh my god.

Many people are coming here.

Shin-ah POV

I ran away from the woman and her friends as far as I could before collapsing on the ground. It felt like my blood began boiling and then I heard a voice.

This other world | {Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the dawn fan fiction} (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now