Chapter #3: The Journey

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Aria POV

After some talking with Ik-soo, Yoon gave in and decided to go with me and Hak. We said that we would leave tomorrow morning since Yoon needed to pack a few things. I took a few things too, including a dagger. Hey, I need to be able to protect myself. I took fencing classes and practiced the bow and arrow when I was younger because 'the legendary dragon warriors could come and get me any time and I need to be ready'. I cringed at the memory.

I still remembered a bit of what I learned though, so that was convenient.

While Yoon and Ik-soo was setting up two beds in the house, me and Hak went into the woods in order to hunt. I told Hak about how I used to practice the sword and shooting a bow and arrow. I did not tell him why though, that's way too embarrassing.

"Alright, show me what you can do" He said, pointing at at bird flying past us. I borrowed a bow and some arrows from Hak and aimed. I had no problems with killing animals since I used to go camping with my family and we often saw animals that had been hunted down but not killed by other animals. We would end their suffering and bury the animals.

I let go of the arrow and actually hit the bird. The bird fell down and Hak took my shoulders and moved me so that the bird wouldn't fall on me.

"Good job" He said, looking rather impressed. He took the bird and then we went back to Ik-soo and Yoon.

We talked about anything and everything while we ate the bird that I shot down. We talked about Hak and how he was a general before and about Yoon and how he meet Ik-soo. When I got to know how he met Ik-Soo, I understood why he wanted to talk with Ik-Soo yesterday. After we were done talking it was already late so we decided to go to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that Hak was not in his bed. I went out and started looking for him. I found him after walking bit into the forest. It was dark outside so I decided to scare him. I smirked while I quietly climbed the tree he was leaning by. When I was right above him, I was supposed to drop a worm on him. But instead, the branch I was standing on decided to break. I feel down but Hak caught me before I hit the ground. He put me down at looked at me.

"What were you doing up there?" He said and pointed up at the tree. I smirked again.

"Who knows?" I said and turned around to walk away, but Hak grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the tree that he was leaning at before. He took my chin and forced me to look at him. I didn't really know what to do so I just kinda stood there.

"I usually take payment for helping other people, but you don't look like you have any money." I shake my head slowly. He smirked

"I see. Then you can just pay with your body~"



—The next day—

Me, Hak and Yoon waved Ik-soo goodbye and started walking towards Hakuryuu village. The scenery on the way there was very beautiful and I saw many flowers that I had never seen before. We saw small villages and even got a lift from a kind man who was on his way to a village in the fire tribe.

After some time walking, we ended up in a bit deeper part of the forest. Hak started tensing up and said that somebody was watching us. I thought he was just joking though. Yoon was walking a bit in front of us and told us about different flowers. All of a sudden, I felt someone grab my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Hak. I thought he was about to pull another stunt like yesterday and got ready to slap him. But then I noticed something.

He had a something green running down his neck and a small arrow in his hand. He was looking straight at me and tried to say something, but failed to do so.

Is that poison?!

His heavy body hit the ground, dragging me with it. I tried to wake him up, but I failed. Then I remembered that Yoon probably had something that could help.

"Yoon! Hak...He's...I think Hak has bee—" I stopped myself when I realized that Yoon was gone.

"Yoon!?" I shouted out but no one answered. Some seconds later, I felt a stinging pain in my neck. I looked at where I felt the pain and saw a small arrow that looked similar to Hak's. I ripped the arrow out and fell to the ground. Have I been poisoned too?

My vision became blurry and I passed out.


Third person POV

The woman passed out due to the poison from the small arrow which is now laying beside her. Many men came out of the forest, all of them dressed in white clothing with blue lines and hoods that covered their faces. They prepared to take the woman and her friends to their village where the Hakuryuu would hear their reason for coming to his village. But then, the man who was going to carry the woman noticed a necklace hanging around her neck. It was a key shape with a dragon and a ruby on it. What fascinated him was that when he touched it, it was burning hot. He told his comrades about his discovery.

"King Hiryuu's necklace? Why is it around this woman's neck?" One man spoke. Could this woman be the reincarnation of King Hiryuu?

All of a sudden, the necklace started to glow a little and the woman started moving. The men started to panic. This poison should have made her sleep for half a day. Sure, they took less poison on the arrow they poisoned her with since she looked weak. What should they do? If she truly was the reincarnation of King Hiryuu, then it would be disrespectful to knock her out again.

Aria POV

I opened my eyes slowly, only to see five men looking down on me. Who are they? Did they help me? Or were they the ones who...

Realization hit me and I tried to crawl away from the men. I looked around for Yoon and Hak. I didn't see Yoon anywhere but I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Hak laying some meters away from me. I turned back to the men.

"Why did you poison me and my friends!?" I asked them. I don't know if I should be upset or scared since they were more in numbers and definitely stronger than me. And what if they weren't the ones that poisoned us?

That would be awkward

"Where did you get that necklace?" One of them asked. Why are they asking me about the necklace? What about MY question?

"I got it from my mo—ther and father" I answered. I hesitated to call them mom and dad since the men probably addressed their parents as mother and father, and I wanted to seem like I was from this world to I guess.

They looked at me shocked and then at each other. They started whispering and would look at me every now and then. When it looked like they came to a decision, two of them went over to Hak. I went after them in order to stop them, but one man behind put a hand on my shoulder to stop me. I turned around and looked at him angrily.

"We have wronged you and your friends. We are very sorry and will there for tend to your friend and remove the poison. We shall bring you to Hakuryuu village".

I looked at him, dumbfounded. Is he serious? I couldn't see any signs of him lying, so I decided to speak.

"That would be very nice, thank you" I said, smiling. The men smiled back. With two of them supporting Hak, we started walking towards Hakuryuu village.


A longer chapter for you all XD

What do you think of it? Be sure to tell me :)

Also, who is your favorite Hakuryuu? The first one to ever exist, The previous one or the current one? Mine is the current one (Kija) :))

Thank you for reading!
Bye :)))

Next chapter: Chapter #4: The village of Hakuryuu

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