Chapter #16: Yan Kumji

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Aria POV

Everybody is silent. No one said anything until a woman started talking.

"L-Lord Kumji, w-we came here for a job. W-What is the job?" She asked, her whole body trembling. She was obviously scared. Yan Kumji on the other hand was smirking and took the woman by the hair and held her up. Everybody except Yan Kumji gasped. Yan Kumji studied her face carefully.

"Yes, the work is so much fun that you might not be able to handle it" He said and let go of her hair. I ran up to her and looked for any injuries. Some of her hair was gone, but I didn't see anything that might require medical help. I felt someone take a big chunk of my hair and drag me up. I let out a yelp of surprise and pain. Damn, it really hurts.

"You're new" He said, studying me like he studied the other woman.

No shit, Sherlock

"You don't say..." I mumbled. His smirk was replaced by a frown.

"What did you say woman?!" He shouted at me. He clearly is more hotheaded than that one guy from my class named Billy.

Fucking Billy

"I said let go of me" I said, loud and clear. Clearly, he doesn't know what that means since he is still holding my by my hair. So I decided to do something incredibly stupid.

I spit in his face.

And boy was he mad.

He threw my on the ground and kicked me three times in the stomach. When he was was done, I tried to stand up but he put his foot on my head and pressed my head against the ground. I groaned in pain after he removed his foot. He exited without a word and the officials closed and locked the door.

"Are you okay?!" One woman asked and helped me up. I tried talking, but nothing came out. I shook my head pointed at my mouth.

"You can't talk?" Another woman said. I shook my head and tried taking deep breaths. I tried talking again but to no avail. I laid down on the floor and tried to sleep. No one said a word as I once again drifted into dreamland.


I woke up when I felt someone pushing me lightly. I opened my eyes and saw a woman. I tried talking and I was able to say 'what', but nothing else. My throat feels dry.

"The officials are coming"

As soon as she said that, the door flew up. On the other side of the door stood many officials. They put on blindfolds and tied our hands. Some were crying, while some screamed and tried to break lose. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't talk.

Third Person POV

The women were lead on the ship in the night. Some struggled, others obeyed. When all the women were on board, the ship started sailing until they approached 7 other ships. Together, the ships set sail towards Kei Empire.

Meanwhile, the pirates and their guests were getting more concerned with the whereabouts of their female friend. Finally, the Captain of the ship decided that they needed to know.

Yoon POV

"Aria is not here"

I stopped looking around the ship and turned to the source of the voice.

Captain Gigan

"What do you mean 'Aria is not here'?" Hak asked. Gigan turned her face to the ocean.

"She is on one of Kumji's ships" She said. The pirates gasped and Hak stood up.

"What?!" He shouted. He looked very mad. I don't judge him, I was very mad too.

"Why is she on one of his ships?! We said that she couldn't go!"

"And she disagreed with you. Whether you like it or not, she is on one of Kumji's ships. That's what we talked about yesterday" Gigan said and walked into her chambers. Everyone was silent. A noise that sounded like wood breaking made everyone turn around. There stood Hak, he had punched a part of the ship out of anger and worry.

Third Person POV

The pirates finally set sail towards Kumji's ships. The three dragons and the two males were worried sick about the young woman, but somewhere within them they knew that she would be fine.

Meanwhile on Kumji's ships, the young woman and the other women are sitting under deck. The young woman shook her arm and felt her dagger fall through her sleeve and into her hand. She used the dagger to cut the rope around her hands. She took of her blindfold and used her dagger to free the other women. When everyone was freed, she got ready to leave. But she was stopped by one of the women.

"I admire your bravery. I will help you" She said and smiled with determination. The young woman smiled and nodded. Together, they made their way up to deck, avoiding the officials until they finally were on deck.


What even is this chapter? It's so bad and short wtff

This is going to go under some heavy editing I swear haha

Did you also think this chapter was bad? Be sure to tell me what you think :D

Thank you for reading! Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #17: The night History is made

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