Chapter #4: The village of Hakuryuu

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Aria POV

I looked around at the white colored buildings in awe. It's so pretty!

"It's really pretty here" I said as one of the men from before showed me around the village. He nodded and continued talking about the village and of course, the Hakuryuu. I listened closely and tried to contain the excitement inside of me. Then, I heard a voice and immediately recognized it as—

"Yoon!" I shouted, maybe a little to high, and ran to where he was sitting. I put my hands on the bars of the cage he was in.

"Aria? Did they take you to?! Where is Hak?!" He said while a villager opened the cage.

"These people are nice, they explained to me that no one must know of this village so they capture anyone who seems suspicious. They are tending to Hak right now" I said and pointed to where two men were attempting to remove the poison.

Yoon stepped out of the cage and breathed a sigh of relief. The man that was guiding me around had left and me and Yoon were being surrounded by villagers. They asked who we were and where we came from and about my necklace. We aswered nicely, of course. I've always enjoyed attention so you can guess how happy I was about this. When I saw Hak coming out of where he was being treated and I excused myself and ran up to him.

He saw me and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back.

"That was fast. They must be good with poison" I said. He nodded and let me go. He left his hands on my shoulders.

"What about you? Are you okay? Did they do something to you?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

I shook my head and he let go of me, sighing.

Kija POV

I looked trough my window out on the village. It is very lively today. Maybe something happened?

I turned my attention to my hand. This hand of the Hakuryuu that I have the honor of inheriting. It has been throbbing since this morning.

When I told granny, she made a fuss about it and said that I was probably sick. Then she went on about how I needed to marry. She also told me that there were outsiders in the village. A woman and two men.

"They let intruders into the village?!" I said. How could they?! Isn't the point of hiding our village and having guards put on high alert outside of it to NOT let intruders get in?

"It seems like the woman has a very valuable neckla—Lord Hakuryuu! Where are you going?" Granny interrupted herself when I stormed out of the room, into the village. I forgot about the throbbing in my hand for now.

I must get rid of the intruders

Aria POV

After a while, I started feeling a bit weird. I thought that I was just tired and decided to have a walk around the village. Not wanting to answer anymore of the questions I got from the villagers, I went up to Yoon who was trading with some of the villagers.

"Hey Yoon, do you have a coat I can borrow?" I asked, interrupting his trade with one of the villagers. He started looking in his bag for a coat and then gave it to me. I put it on and started walking around. Hak came with me since he didn't trust me in finding my way back. Ha! Maybe he doesn't know this but I am the best at finding my way around. Yeah, one day I will prove my skills and he is going to be shocked!

"What are you smirking about? Stop it, it's creeping me out" Hak said, looking down on me.

"Why don't you come wipe it off?" I said before I started running. He ran after me while I was laughing. He was catching up to me and I had started to accept my fate when I felt something grab my wrist. I stopped and looked at my wrist only to see claws holding it in place.

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