Chapter #9: Shin-ah

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Aria POV

We are right now traveling towards the next dragon. Since Kija is incredibly tired from digging, we decided to walk towards a nerby village and camp on the outskirts of it. Hak told me that we were entering Earth tribe territory. Since I didn't know much about the geography in this world, I asked him about it. He told me that there are 5 different tribes with 5 generals - the wind tribe, were he grew up as the previous general's adoptive son, the sky tribe, the water tribe, the fire tribe and the earth tribe. He also told me about the capital, where he lived and worked as the general of the Wind tribe and as a body guard for the late King. He said that the king had been killed by the man who is now rumored to be the next king, Soo-won. I nodded and asked about the generals. He told me that there were 5 generals; Han Joo-doh of the Sky tribe, Tae woo of the Wind tribe, Lee Guen-tae of the Earth tribe, An Joon-Gi of the Water tribe and Kan Soo-Jin of the Fire tribe. Guen-tae has a wife that is 13 years younger than him, Kan Soo-Jin has two spoiled sons and An Joo-Gi is usually very calm but he has a daughter that's kind of the opposite.

I tried talking a bit with Seiryuu, but he was mostly quiet. He told me that he had lived in the tunnels for a very long time and that he hadn't seen much of this world.


Er, like with the 'hadn't seen much of this world' thing, not the tunnel thing. Why am I thinking about this?

We continued walking towards the village and finally arrived at it. Yoon did some trading and I pulled up my cloak so that it was covering my face. I looked around in the village for a bit until I saw some horses riding through. There were 6 of them and all of the riders were men. Everyone except 1 wore armor. Maybe they are from one of the tribes and they're just patrolling? I moved to the side of the road so that they could pass through. I tried my best to see what they looked like.

One had long, dark blonde hair that was tied into a side ponytail. He had very pretty clothes that looked expensive. Another one had black hair and brown eyes. It looked like he had some sort of scar on his face, but other than that he looked very strong. The other men wore the same kind of armor, so I guess they were guards.

When they passed me, I made eye contact with the blonde man for a split second. He looked very kind. He smiled at me and I smiled back. They rode past me and out of the village.

For some reason, I have a feeling I will
meet that man again.


I reunited with the others and we walked towards the outskirts of the village. We found a good place and sat up camp for the night. Hak went out to hunt for dinner and Seiryuu disappeared somewhere. I decided to tell Kija and Yoon about the men I saw in the village today.

"Really? They must be important people then. I've heard about generals that don't take many guards with them, but I think that was only two or three of them" Yoon explained.

I decided to take a walk through the woods. I eventually ended up at a big field filled with fireflies. I looked up and saw Seiryuu standing some meters in front of me with his  back facing me. This must be a first for him since he used to live in tunnels. I recalled a part of the conversation we had earlier today.


"So Seiryuu, what's your real name?" I asked, looking at him. He looked down at me with a confused look.

"My name is Seiryuu..." He said quietly, but louder than in the caves.

"No, like your real name" I said, making him look away.

"I don't have one..."


"Would you like to have one?" I asked him. He looked back at me, surprised.


"Then can I give you a name?" I asked. Now he was even more surprised.

"...Sure" He answered. I smiled at him.

"Alright, I'm going to think up a great name for you" I said enthusiastically. I thought I could see him smile a bit in the corner of my eye.

~End of flashback~

He did say that I could give him a name, but I wonder what?

I looked around him and remembered when he saved me in the tunnels. His warm hand that helped me from the darkness, into the light. I looked at the moon and started thinking. I smiled and went up to Seiryuu.

"Shin-ah" I said. He turned around and looked at me.

"That will be your name, it means 'moonlight'. Do you like it?" I asked. He looked at me for a long time before answering.

"Yes....I love it" He turned around and ran through the field, making the fireflies fly up into the sky. The sky filled up with small lights. It was beautiful.

Shin-ah POV

"Shin-ah" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw Aria, smiling.

"That will be your name. It means 'moonlight'. Do you like it?" She asked me. Under my mask, I started to tear up. I more than liked it.

"...Yes, I love it" I answered and turned away from her. I ran over the field with my hands in the air.

Ao....this might sound silly, but I have a friend now. She gave me a name.


Shin-ah ;-;

I swear when I watched this scene in the anime I almost cried, it was so beautiful :,)

*ahem* anyway...

Thank you for reading! :)) Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #10: Friend or foe?

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