Chapter #21: A new beginning

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Aria POV

After me and Zeno returned to the place where we had set up camp, we went to sleep. The next day, Yoon woke us up saying that we needed to go back to Ik-Soo. We packed up and started walking towards Yoon's old home. After a few days we're here, in front of Ik-soo's and Yoon's house.

"So this is where you grew up, Yoon?" Jea-ha asked Yoon with a smile.

"Yes, it feels like I haven't been here in a long time. I'm actually kind of excited" Yoon answered. He went up to the door while I and everybody else stayed outside. When he opened the door he looked kind of shocked and then ran inside. I got worried and ran inside too.

My eyes widened as I saw food, cups and plates on the floor. In the middle of the mess was Ik-soo, covered in bruises. Yoon started treating him while scolding him. Hak and everybody else were at the doorstep at this point. I asked Ik-soo about what had happened, and he started talking.

"I was trying to get something to eat, but I ended up tripping and dragging everything down with me" He said and scratched the top of his head awkwardly.

"You tripped while trying to get food?! You're not careful enough!" Yoon scolded him while helping Ik-soo up.

"Ahh~~ Yoon's screaming again!" Ik-soo said happily while smiling.

"You were so scared that you cried" Jea-ha teased and in return, I stepped on his foot. His normal one, that is. He clutched his foot in pain, but then started blushing while looking at me.

"Shut up!" Yoon said and turned around.

"Ahh, you're so cruel Aria dear~~" He said and reached for me.

His actions made Hak take my shoulders and place me in between himself and Shin-ah.

"Thank you Yoon. I see that your group has grown in number" Ik-soo said and gazed at our group.

All of us went outside. The dragons introduced themselves in front of Ik-soo and I sat down next to Yoon. After the introduction, Yoon started talking.

"Ik-soo, we have gathered all of the dragons, but what do we do now?" Yoon asked him. Ik-soo looked like he was thinking before he answered.

"We have yet to wait until the sword and the shield appears" Ik-soo said and looked at the sky. I looked at where he was looking, but I only saw clouds. Although funny enough, one was shaped almost like a key. I took of my necklace and looked at the dragon. The dragon had become warmer since we found the dragons.

I wonder why.

I put on my necklace again and joined in on the conversation that everybody else were having. I couldn't help but notice that during the conversation, Zeno kept looking at me, Kija, Shin-ah and Jea-ha.


It was nighttime and I was in the forest. I swung my sword around, not aiming at anything in particular. The rain made it hard to see but I thought that it was good for when I trained. Being able to fight while not being able to see clearly would probably come in handy someday. I squinted my eyes so that the chance of getting a raindrop in my eye would decrease. My sword clashed with something else made out of metal. I opened my eyes wider and saw that I had clashed with a dagger. I looked up and saw Hak.

"Why are you training in the middle of the night while it's raining?" He asked and looked at my sword. I had told him about the sword in Port Awa since he was the one that had to carry me back when I passed out. And since he had carried me back, he had obviously seen my sword.

"Because I want to" I said and removed my sword.

"You will get sick if you train in the rain" Hak said and put his dagger in a small sheath. I smirked at him before starting to protest.

"Pfft, no I wo—" I started to say. As if on call, I was interrupted by a sneeze. Hak gave me the 'oh-really'- look and took me to a nearby cave. Even inside the cave i was sneezing. Hak ended up giving me his coat and I put it on. We were silent for a while until he decided to speak.

"You know, watching you trying to fight in the rain while not being able to see clearly was like seeing a baby trying to fight a moth with a sword bigger then himself" He said while smirking.

How rude

I elbowed him in the gut but he just laughed. It was at this point that I had realized that I was incredibly tired and that I needed sleep. Hak was rambling on about something, but I was already falling asleep. Just before I was asleep, I could feel an arm wrapping around me and someone kissing my forehead.


I looked around me. I didn't know where I was, but somehow it felt familiar. I turned around and my eyes widened. I saw four dragons towering over me. They were looking at me. One was white, one was blue, one was green and the final one was yellow. Somehow, I wasn't scared. It felt comfortable, even though they didn't say anything. I knew that they wouldn't hurt me. I looked at my necklace and saw that it was glowing.

This is what my destiny looks like.

I shall go through this world and help those in need.

And these four dragons will help me.

I will not fail.


The end

Jk, this is not the end.

I will probably make a second book, but I will need some time to think of new ideas. First I need to think about how many chapter it will have and what they will be about, then i need to write them and finally I need to edit them and post them.

At the time when I'm writing this, I'm close to 500 reads. Words can't once again not explain how grateful I am and I hope that most of you will be here for my next book.

And many thanks to my friends for their support, even though none of you probably understand anything in this book lol

Now, for the last god damn time in this book;

Thank you all for reading ;) Bye 👋

Next book: This other world (Book #2: Flames and Waves)

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