Chapter #2: Mother and Priest

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Aria POV

Me and Hak were walking when I remembered something. Or rather, realised that-

"HAK! WAS THERE A NECKLACE NEARBY WHEN YOU FOUND ME?!" I almost screamed since I was worried for my necklace. And I was right next to Hak. Poor man.

"Damn, can you be any louder? Here, I found a bag there with stuff in. And your necklace is around your neck, you idiot" He said while massaging the area around his ears which probably hurts now because of me.

I take the bag and look inside it. How did my phone and my headphones get in here? Maybe Hak put it there? I looked down and saw my necklace hanging around my neck. The blood was gone and I didn't see the dragon from before anymore. Could that really have been Hiryuu? I mean, he is a red dragon and from what I can see this necklace has a red dragon on it. And if you compare what happened to me with different anime's like Inuyasha and Fushigi Yuugi, I would say that I'm in a different dimension and I'm really calm about this and I should probably start panicking soon about getting home and—

I bumped into something big in front of me and looked up, only to see Hak staring down at me.

"We're here" He said and looked forward at a little house.

"Oi, mother and priest" Hak shouted at the house. His mother lives here?

Out comes a little girl with pinkish-blondish hair. She looks pretty mad and is about to say something. But behind her comes a blonde man with hair that covers his eyes. He runs towards Hak and me but slips and falls in front of us. I fought against whether I should laugh or help the poor guy. My occasionally kind side won and I helped the man up and asked if he was okay.

"I'm fine, thank you" He said to me, smiling. When he looked up at me I could see a pair of violet eyes under his hair.

He seems nice. Maybe he is the friend Hak was talking about?

"Are you the friend that Hak was talking about?" I asked him.

"Yes, I have been expecting you Aria" He answered me.

I froze.

"...How do you know my name?" I asked with a nervous smile. I look at where Hak was standing, only to see that he was having a conversation with his mother. Or rather, his mother was scolding him.

"God told me that you were coming. You see, I am a priest that conveys the voice of God. I'm sure that you are not used to this world and that you are scared but let me reassure you, I will help you get back home." He whispered so that Hak and his mother wouldn't hear. I look at him with big eyes.

"Really? How?" I say, hoping that he might not be joking and actually is serious. I mean, if I was him I would prank everybody that comes here.

"Come inside, I will tell you. Yoon, Hak!" He said and we went inside. 'Yoon' and Hak followed.


Yoon treated my finger and told me that he was actually a guy and that he was not related to Hak. He even gave me a outfit, which I changed into. I put my other clothes in my bag and joined the others. Excited, I sat down next to Hak and looked at the priest, whose name i learned is Ik-soo.

"First, you need to find the four legendary dragon warriors - the white, blue, green and yellow dragons - that reside in different tribes. I don't know their exact location, but I have heard that the white dragon lives in a village at the boarder of the fire tribe. However, traveling there is dangerous since they aren't good with guests. You will have to take someone with you." He explained and by the time he was done, I was looking at him wide eyed. The child inside of me was going crazy. THE four legendary dragon warriors?! THEY ARE REAL?!

The older me tried to look calm on the outside while I was sipping on the tea that Yoon gave me and Hak.

"The dragon warriors exist?" I ask, trying not to spit out the tea I have in my mouth.

"They very much do. And you will need their strength to survive. This world is filled with all sorts of danger that you can't take on alone." He continued

"But who would I take with me? You said that I can't go to the white dragon village alone..." I said. Everybody went quiet and stared at each other.

"I'll go with you" Hak said, breaking the silence. I looked at him, shocked.


"Sure. A girl like you can't be alone for more than 4, maybe 5 min— AH!" He was interrupted by me, accidentally spilling my tea on him. I repeat, ACCIDENTALLY.

"Yoon" Ik-soo said, looking at the young boy that was grinding herbs. Yoon looked up at Ik-soo.

"I would like for you to go to, Yoon" Ik-soo continued. Yoon looked at him shocked. He then looked at me and Hak.

"Could you two please excuse us?" He said. I nodded and dragged Hak with me outside.


Another chapter!

I'm trying to fit in as much as possible in my chapters and I feel like I kind of succeeded, kind of haha :)) I still haven't hit the 1000 word count mark though >_<

Oh and also, if my friends are reading this then don't tell me that you don't understand anything. I told you that this is a fanfiction and that if you want to understand more, watch Akatsuki no Yona      And I'm not mad haha

Thank you for reading :))

Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #3: The Journey

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