Chapter #5: The sword

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Arias sword/katana above, but imagine it as a bit shorter so that it can fit in her backpack :))


Aria POV
I let go of the arrow and it hit the middle of the tree. I smile to myself. I look to my side at the dagger next to me. Should I train a bit with the dagger to? I've never used a dagger before, but I can always try. It also still hurts a bit when I use my hand to draw back the arrow. Maybe it hurts less if I use the dagger? Or, you know, more. I pick up the dagger and start swinging it around a bit before throwing it on the ground. Forget the dagger, I want a sword. But where can I get my hands on a sword? Hak and Yoon would probably say no before I even finish the sentence, but maybe...

I smirk to myself and pick my bow, the arrows and the dagger up from the ground. I walked back to Hakuryuu village quietly so that i wouldn't wake anyone up, it is the middle of the night after all. I walk into the house where me, Hak and Yoon get to stay. I was originally supposed to stay in the house that Kija sleeps in, but....


"Aria, you should sleep in the same house I sleep in so that I can protect you" Kija said while I was helping Yoon with preparations for the night. I look at him and open my mouth to say something, but Hak beat me to it.

"No worries, white snake. I will be sleeping in the same house as Aria and I will make sure to protect her in your steed" Hak said, looking at Kija.

"You dare call the legendary Hakuryuu a white snake?!" Kija said, shocked and angry. I glared at Hak, showing him that I agree with Kija. Hak was about to say something else, but now it was my time to beat him.

"I appreciate the offer Kija, but I'm fine with sleeping here. Really" I answered smiling. Kija looked a little disappointed but I'm sure he understood.

~End of flashback~

I left the bow, the arrows and the dagger by my bed. I decided to use my phone a bit and was surprised to see that my phone had service. Maybe it's my necklace? Oh well, I don't mind. I search around a bit, look a bit at Instagram and snap some of my friends. I wonder what the time is in my world. According to my phone, the time is 04:27 AM but maybe that's just this world's time? I put my phone back in my bag and went to sleep.

~The next day~

The next day we were invited to breakfast, but I said no thank you. I was still a bit tired and not very hungry. Hak, Yoon and especially Kija did not agree at all.

"Aria, it's important to eat. At least eat something" Kija said. I looked around at my choices and finally ate some of the vegetables and a bit of fish. After breakfast, Yoon and Hak went to pack up and Kija went up to his room.

Time to set my plan in action.

I followed Kija up the stairs and into his room. Wow, his room is big.

"Hey Kija, do you know where I can get a sword?" I asked him, probably startling him a bit since I never told him that I was behind him.

"I didn't know you could use a sword. Have you asked Hak?" He answered. Hak had actually said that I should absolutely not use a sword when I asked him. He thought that it was to dangerous. I, of course, respected his opinion. Maybe if I already asked him and he said no, then I probably shouldn't go to someone else and—

"He said that he would be happy if I could help with fighting and that when we get the chance to buy one, I could get a sword" I lied. Kija looked unsure but after some begging he finally gave in.

"Fine, but only because it's you. Come" He said and took my hand. Only because it's me? I did a little victory dance in my head and followed him down the stairs.

"Also, don't tell Hak about this" I said, immediately regretting it since he was probably going to ask—

"Why? He wanted you to have a sword right?" He looked at me suspiciously. What do I say? Uhh....

"I want it to be a surprise" I said, saving myself. He nodded and promised not to tell Hak. We continued walking and eventually came to what looked like a weapon shop. We bought a sword— err, we asked for a sword and got it for free because Kija...yeah.

I looked at the sword with big eyes. It's definitely heavier than the ones that I used for fencing. We also got a sheathe for it. We decided to go back to Yoon and Hak. I charged towards my room and hid my sword in my bag before Hak saw it. Before leaving, I changed into a outfit that Kija had gotten for me, it was very pretty and easy to move around in. I picked up my bag and went outside, where Kija, Yoon and Hak were already standing.

"The outfit fits you Aria!" Kija said happily.

"Yes, it's really pretty. Thank you Kija" I said and smiled. I saw a slight blush spread across his face but he turned around before I could see more.

"Well then, shall we go?" Yoon said and started walking without listening to our answer. We said our goodbyes to the villagers and started walking. While walking, Yoon tried to figure out where to go next while me and Kija talked.

"So, Yoon, do you know where the next sna— dragon is?" Hak said. Yoon simply shook his head and stopped to look at his map. Suddenly, Kija started talking.

"We dragons can sense each others life forces, so I can try to locate him" He said and closed his eyes.

"Really? That's great" I said.

"It would also have been great if you told us that before" Hak said. Kija ignored him and tried to focus on finding any dragons.

"The closest one is the Seiryuu" He announced.

"Do you know where he is?" Yoon asked

"Not exactly, but he is in that direction" Kija said and pointed towards the mountains. It was very far. It would probably take a day or two to get there.

We started walking in the direction of the mountains. We walked for many hours before we realized that it was time to make preparations for the night. We found a nice place to sleep and set up camp for the night. Hak went into the forest to look for something to eat. I helped Yoon and Kija with preperations. When Hak came back, he started a fire and started preparing the bird he shoot down. When the bird was done, I ate with a big appetite and finished my food fast. I excused myself took my bag over my shoulder and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" Hak asked. I froze.

"Uhh...Fresh air?" I said and ran off.

When I found a good place, I took out my sword from my bag and tried remembering what I learned at the fencing lessons when I was younger. I kept the sheathe on and started practicing. I probably trained for half an hour before returning. When I came back, Yoon was already fast asleep but Kija and Hak were awake. I went to my sleeping area and fell asleep.


New chapter! What do you think? ;))
I have a feeling that the next chapter might be longer then usual, since I'm including much in it :)

Thank you for reading :)

Byeee 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #6: Seiryuu

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