Chapter #11: Port town of Awa

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Aria POV

After walking for around an hour, we came to what looks like a Port town. We were standing at a look out point. I look out over the town, fascinated.

"This is the Port town of Awa, it's the Earth Tribe's Port town. Here, they usually trade with other countries or tribes" Hak explained. I nodded understanding. I started walking towards the town, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I look around and see Hak.

"What?" I ask him and look at his hand.

"You can't go" He said plainly.

"What?! Why?" I asked him. He removed his hand slowly and looked me in the eyes.

"Because you're injured and this town has a bunch of weird people, I don't want you there"

"Remember the last time you told me that I should wait? At that time, you were pretty wrong" I said confidently. He looks at me smirking.

"Yes. Which is why I'm leaving you with those two" He said and pointed at Shin-ah and Kija. After some arguing, I finally gave in.

"Fine. But don't get yourself into trouble" I said. He looked at me for some time before turning to look at the town again.

"What about you, Yoon?" I asked the young boy.

"I'm going to look for herbs and food with Hak" He said and went up to Hak.

"Well, we'll be going" Hak said and started walking.

"Don't die!" Yoon shouted while running after Hak. I stood and looked at them while they were leaving. I WANT TO GO TO. I sigh and turn to Kija.

"Kija, can you sense the next dragon?" I asked, smiling. He closed his eyes for a minute and then pointed towards a cliff a bit further away. I looked at the cliff and got excited. What if we find the next dragon already?

"All right! Let's go" I said and we started walking. Then I remembered something.

"Kija, which dragon is it?" I asked Kija. He looked at me.

"It's the Ryokuryuu" he answered. The Green dragon, eh? The one with the legs that can fly anywhere. This should be interesting.

We arrive at the cliff and I look down. There's a ships there.

"What kind of ship is that?" I ask.

"I don't know" Kija answered and closed his eyes again, probably to locate the Ryokuryuu. His eyes shot up and he looked past the ship, into the sea. What is he doing?

"Kija, what is it?" I ask him an d he looks at me.

"The Ryokuryuu just.....disappeared" He said. I look at him surprised. How could he just disappear? Then, light bulb. I smirk.

"We should go into the town and look for Hak and Yoon. We can tell them that we found the Ryokuryuu" I said and they nodded in agreement. We walked into the town. I can't wait to see your face when I come to the town, Hak



I'm debating on wether I should have brought Aria along or not. When I'm all the way over here I can't protect her. I guess im going to have to leave her in the white snake's hands. He may by stupid, but he is capable. I see Yoon approaching me with new stuff.

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