Chapter #17: The night history is made

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I know that I copied the title from the anime, I couldn't come up with anything better ;-;

Third Person POV

As the pirate ship and Kumji's ships met, the big fight broke out.

The green dragon jumped around the ships and helped everyone as the pirates ran onto every ship. The blue dragon was looking for a firework that the captain said that the young woman on Kumji's ships should have. The older male and the white dragon jumped on one of Kumji's ships and fought official after official, making sure not to kill them. The anger of having their precious friend be kidnapped and hurt by the officials fueled everyone's will to 'accidentally' kill the officials.

Aria POV

We actually managed to get up on deck without being seen. The officials were slacking off so it wasn't very hard to sneak past them. I had a bow and some arrows. I had hidden my own sword on my back behind my clothes. The cold metal against my back made me flinch at first, but now it was warm after being on my back for a while. The woman, that I've learned is called Yuri, took the bow and arrow.

When we finally got up on deck the officials didn't see us at first, but then they started to notice us.

"Yuri, come here!" I shouted and she started running towards the small building on the ship where I was sitting. The officials got a hold of Yuri and held a sword against her neck. I used quick thinking and threw my dagger at the official. He screamed out of pain and let go of Yuri, who ran towards me. I took hold of her hand and dragged her up on the roof, but an official got her again.

Damn, do they ever give up?!

Since I had thrown the dagger at the other official, I ripped out the hairpin from my hair and flinched when some hair came of with it. I stabbed the official in the arm with the hairpin and he screamed. With my leg, I pushed him back and dragged Yuri up on the roof. She finally got up and I wiped of the blood from the hairpin with my sleeve.

"Yuri, bring me the candle inside of one of those lanterns!" I shouted and put the hairpin in my pocket. Yuri took a whole lantern and gave it to me. I struggled as I pulled the firework out of my clothes. In the end, I got it out and used the candle to light the firework. It flew up into the sky and exploded. I smirked as I watched the many colors in the sky.

Now they know—

I felt someone grab my hair and pull me down from the building. I flinched as I hit the ground.

I heard Yuri scream so i guessed that she was dragged down from there too. I closed my eyes and felt something cold on my throat. I guessed it was a sword. The sword was pressed closer to my throat and I felt pain. I let myself cry when I felt blood travel down my throat.

I hate crying in front of people

"Stop!" I heard Yuri scream. As if the guard had listened to her, the cold metal was pushed away in one swift motion. I heard screams, but this time it was the officials that screamed instead of Yuri. I opened my eyes and saw the perverted green dragon.

"Jea-ha!" I said and he turned around. When he saw me, he smirked.

"I actually didn't think you would do it, how troublesome you are Aria dear" He said and looked behind me. I could hear some of the officials coming back up behind me.

"Woah, you're going to have to stop there. I'm don't have enough self control to go easy on the men who hurt her" I could hear Jea-ha hiss at them. I'm so happy I'm not his opponent. They flinched slightly and some even backed away. I smirked and stood up.

"Thank you, Jea-ha" I said and flashed a calm
smile. Jea-ha smirked at me and looked over my shoulder. I turned to look around but I felt someone grab me. I realized that Jea-ha had picked me up and ran across the ship to get ready to jump. When he jumped I saw that Shin-ah had been behind me, fighting officials.

That's good

He jumped around on the ships and helped other pirates while carrying me in his arms. I started getting annoyed since I wanted to help too.

"Jea-ha, let go of me. I can help too you know" I said and tried to break loose, but I failed and he just tightened his grip.

"I can let go of you, but then we need to go to Hak and the others" Jea-ha explained. He prepared to land and I decided to take that chance in order to break loose. He landed and I broke loose from his grip. As soon as i has broken loose, I pulled the sword out from behind my back. I clashed swords with a nearby official and then pushed him back with my foot. He fell backwards.

"Wow" Jea-ha said surprised. I turned to him and smiled.

"It's nowhere near the strength of Hak or Kija or Shin-ah, but I did get some fencing lessons when I was younger own reasons" I told Jea-ha and he looked at me oddly.


Oh shit

"I meant...sparing?" I saved myself with the first close word that came to mind. Jea-ha took it and started fighting of officials again. I tried fighting some of them too but every time I would lock swords with someone, Jea-ha would push them away. This continues for some time until Shin-ah came running onto the ship with Yuri. Yuri started tying up defeated officials and Shin-ah looked out over the sea. He pointed out into the sea so I ran up to him and saw the man himself.

Yan Kumji

He was on a small boat with an official. The official was rowing for his life and Yan Kumji looked like a mix between calm and fuming mad.

So neutral then.

"I see. Shin-ah, take care of Aria dear"

I turned to the owner of the voice, but he was gone. Instead, something green flew over the sky. Jea-ha!

Yan Kumji saw him too, but he didn't look very worried. I froze when he picked up a bow from inside the boat he was in. He took and arrow and aimed for Jea-ha. Jea-ha saw what he was trying to do and threw something at him. Yan Kumji dodged and shot an arrow that grazed Jea-ha's neck. The shot slowed Jea-ha down and he fell into the ocean.

"Jea-ha!" I shouted out of fear, but I calmed down when I saw his head pop out of the water.

I ran towards Yuri and took the bow and arrow that she had. I ran up to the edge of the boat and aimed for Yan Kumji. He froze and looked around. When he saw me, I let go of the arrow before he could react. The arrow hit him in the chest and his face was frozen with fear. He slowly fell backwards into the ocean.

I killed him

I started tearing up at the conclusion. I then felt pain at my neck. I touched my neck and drew back my hand when I felt pain. On my hand was blood and I started to feel dizzy. I fell down to my knees and looked at my hands.

My mind was clouded with darkness and I felt my body hit the ground.


That's all folks!

Was the chapter good enough? Or was it horrible? What did you think?? :)

Thank you as always for reading! Bye 👋

Next chapter: Chapter #18: Another meeting

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