Chapter #15: The plan

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Aria POV

"I'll do it" I said. Everyone turned to me, probably to see if I was serious or not.

"Absolutely not" Hak said. I turned to him. He looked really serious and a bit intimidating.

"Aria, I don't think that's such a good idea" Kija said and looked at me with worry.

"Well, I can't fight with a sword just yet and a bow and arrow probably won't be of much help. This is the least I can do to help all of you" I said and continued staring at Hak. He probably realized that I had a good point because he turned away.

"I still think it's a bad idea" He said.

Too bad

"It's a good idea. If you go inside the ship, you can signal us using a firework that the young boy over there can make, right?" Gigan said and looked at me and Yoon. I nodded. Finally someone who agrees with me!

"Hold up! I'm still against her going!" Yoon said and Hak nods. I turned towards Jea-ha and saw him looking at me.

"Please help me convince them, Jea-ha" I asked him. He looked away from me and into the ocean.

"Aria dear, I'm also against you going. Yan Kumji and the officials are ruthless, if they find you then you're as good as dead" Jea-ha said, not even looking my way. What? I mean, why am I surprised? We just meet like a day ago...

I pouted and looked down at the ground. Then, I hear Shin-ah coming in and looking at me. He stops when he sees me looking down, but starts talking.

"Aria....there are ships of them..." He told me. I heard everyone gasp.

"Seven of them? I didn't expect so many..." Jea-ha

"I see...I'm guessing they will depart when they have all of the women on the ships" Gigan said, with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Aria, will you talk with me outside?" Gigan continues. I look up at her and nod. We walk out on deck while everyone else stayed inside.

~Time skip~

"You actually don't look too bad" Gigan said, looking at me impressed.

"Thank you...?" I said, unsure wether or not I should be thankful.

I had been dressed up in beautiful clothes so that I could get onto the ship with the hostages. The conversation between me and Gigan yesterday was about the plan. Obviously, we haven't told Hak and the others about it. They would just stop me.

I tucked a dagger inside my sleeves, next to the firework that Yoon actually made to show me how to make them. I had made one myself so I took mine and his.

"Anyway, you should get going before your boyfriends stop you" Gigan said and held a hand up to stop me from hitting her.

I pull back my arm and nod.

"Good luck, make me proud" She said and smiled. I wave at her and quietly walk of the ship.

I walk through the town and asked for guidance to the 'job' that is right now 'hiring' women. Although the women always 'mysteriously disappear'. After a few warnings about the job, an official over hears me talking about the job. He approached me and looked at me before smirking.

I turn to him and smile. A fake one, of course. I'm a professional when it comes to those

"I heard you were looking for a job?" He said and I nodded.

"My family has economical problems so I need one fast" I said and faked a sad smile.

"Alright, follow me please" He said and started walking. I smirked on the inside and followed him, earning worried looks from the villagers.

This other world | {Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the dawn fan fiction} (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now