Chapter #14: The test

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Aria POV

"A test?" I repeated. Gigan nodded and continued.

"Yes. The test is to get some Senjuso" She said and all of the pirates gasps. Senjuso? Is that some kind of drug or alcohol? I could see that Jea-ha also turned his sight away from the sea to Gigan.

"Captain Gigan, isn't that a bit to extreme?" One of the pirates said. She turned to him.

"Well you can't, so who else could?" She said and the pirate backed off. She turned back to me. I decided to question her about the Senjuso.

"What is Senjuso?" I asked her.

"Senjuso is a medicine that grows on a cliff. Many of my men were injured during the last fight and the one that usually goes to get it is injured" She explained. If it's on a cliff, then I need to climb. I used to climb trees when I was younger so I should be fine.

"Alright, I'll do it" I said and of course, everyone except Gigan was against my decision. Even Jea-ha.

"It's fine, I used to go climbing when I was younger. I should be okay" I explained and Kija and Yoon calmed down a bit. But Hak was still worried.

"Really? What did you climb?"

".....uh, trees? maybe?" I muttered, so that nobody could hear me.

"What was that?" Hak asked.

"I've climbed many cliffs" I lied and faked a smile. Jeaha looked at me with admiration and smiled.

"Alright, I will take you there" He said and reached out his hand.


I looked at the cliff and on the pathway down there. Do you need to climb to get there? YES! Is it steep? YES! Am I going to die? YE—-

"This is the last chance Aria. If you don't back out now then you won't be able to do it later" Jea-ha said and looked at me with meaningful eyes. He really doesn't want me to go, does he? I give him a reassuring smile.

"It's fine. I will go" I said and started walking towards the pathway and he followed. I was about to start walking on the pathway when I felt someone hug me from behind. I turned my head around and saw Jea-ha. I could feel him shaking, or was I the one shaking?

"Aria...please, don't go" He said. The flirting and silly Jea-ha from before was long gone and is now replaced by this serious person who's holding me back to prevent me from risking my life.

Risking my life?

...No, I'm not risking my life.

"Jea-ha, I'm sorry but I have to go" I break free from the hug and start walking on the pathway. I heard him walking behind me for a bit, but then he stops. I guessed that the path was to narrow for him and continued. This is surprisingly easy.

After coming a bit more than halfway there, a large rock fell down from the pathway. I shakingly take a big step over the broken pathway and jump a little to get over. The rock that I landed on started cracking and I quickly continued walking forward. The rock behind me fell down. I could hear Jea-ha shouting, but I ignored him.

At last, I finally reached the cliff where the Senjuso is supposed to be growing. I walk inside and push some vines that are hanging in front of the cave like room. I find many flowers growing inside of there. It was very beautiful. I look down at one of the flowers and kneel down to look at it more closely. This must be the Senjuso.

I take out a small pouch from under my cloak and carefully pick up some of the Senjuso, but not all of them. Some for Gigan and the pirates and some for Yoon and our group. I smile to myself as I close the pouch and put it in its location under my cloak. Taking one last glance at the Senjuso, I turn around and walk out of the cave.

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