Chapter #8: Getting out

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Thank you all so much for 100+ reads! I never thought I would get so much! I hope you enjoy the chapter!


I tried to reach her hand but many rocks fell in between our hands, creating a wall which stopped us from reaching each other. I could hear her scream on the other side.

"Aria!" I called out.

I jumped back to avoid the rocks and shielded my face from the smaller ones with my arm.

I could see Yoon in the corner of my eye, trying to shield himself from any falling rocks. I did the same for a couple of minutes until the rocks stopped falling. I put one of my hands on the rock wall now in front of me.


Then, I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around.

Aria POV

I heard one of the villagers scream and looked up. He had his hands on his head and was shaking.

"We're going to die here!" He screamed with a shaking voice. Many other villagers also started shaking while others started crying. I looked at the rock wall. It looks very big. Suddenly, Kija stopped hugging me and stood up. He looked at the rock wall.

"I shall dig us out of here immediately Aria, please wait just a moment" He said with confidence. I just smiled.

What a gentleman

Kija started slashing at the rock wall with his dragon hand. I held up my arm to shield myself from smaller rocks and backed away to let Kija do his thing. Then, heard some of the villagers start gasping in fear and some screamed. I turned around and saw a familiar face.

Or rather, a familiar mask.

Seiryuu stepped out from the shadows of another part of the tunnel. The squirrel from before was sitting on his shoulder. It jumped down and ran up to me. I happily scooped him up in my hands and brought him to my face. He put his small hands - or, paws? - on my cheek and hugged it. Seiryuu kneeled down and picked up an axe from the ground.

"S-S-Seiryuu!" One villagers said.

"W-We swear we didn't tell them about you!" Another one said. Seiryuu stood up again and started walking up to the villager that just spoke. The villager started shaking. In panic, he used his sword and accidentally hit away the mask covering Seiryuu's face. Silence filled the air as the villagers stared at Seiryuu. Me and Kija, who had stopped digging, also stared at him. Then, the villager who had spoken before put his hands on his head and looked down.

"Looking at his eyes will turn you to stone!" He screamed, making other villagers turn away too. However, I kept staring. His eyes eyes are beautiful. How can something so beautiful be dangerous? They were a beautiful yellow color with a straight pupil, making his eyes look like the eyes of an animal.

The blue dragons eyes who could see across long distances and paralyze anyone's body.

As a child, I always imagined the eyes to be scary and dangerous to look at. But they're so beautiful.

Kija walked up and stopped next to me, against a wall.

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't want to come with us since you ran away" He said, looking at Seiryuu. Seiryuu looked at me and Kija. He started walking up to Kija. I slowly backed away from Kija. Sorry Kija but you provoked him, you're in this alone.

"What?" Kija said. Seiryuu stopped in front of him and held up the axe. I thought he was about to hit Kija with the axe so I stopped backing away. Seiryuu swings the axe into the wall next to Kija, right next to his face. He started hitting the axe at the same place on and on. . Kija decided to speak again.

This other world | {Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the dawn fan fiction} (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now