Chapter #13: Pirates

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I look behind me and see Kija and Yoon. I then realized that this guy is the Ryokuryuu. That's why he suddenly collapsed yesterday when he was talking with Aria! I turned around and saw that he was going to jump out of the window. Right as he was about to jump, I punched him so that he flew down instead of up and landed in front of Kija. I jumped out through the window and watch as he tries to get up from the ground.

"So you're Ryokuryuu? I never thought it would be you. But it makes sense since you collapsed in front of Aria yesterday" I said, smirking. He looked up at me, and wow is he pissed. He wiped away the dirt from his face and smirked back at me.

"So Aria really is King Hiryuu? Wouldn't she be here then? And she should have realized it herself." He said and looked around him, probably trying to find her.

"Oh well, you're going to have to tell her that I'm not interested in serving here and that the other dragons aren't my concern" He said and looked straight at me. Kija looked disappointed and like he was about to say something but I beat him to it.

"Why are you telling us this? If you are going to refuse to come with us, then say that to Aria. She still doesn't know that you are the Ryokuryuu" I said plainly. He stops smirking immediately when I finish my sentence. He looks like I just told him to kill someone he loves. But he quickly returns to smiling and nods.

"Take me to her. I was looking for you AND her anyway" He said and I stare at him. He's looking for her?

"What business do you have with her?" I said and started walking with him and Kija behind me.

"Oh nothing, I wanted to see how she was doing and maybe ask her for a little......favor" He answered. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. Considering how he acted towards her yesterday and where he took me today, I hesitated to bring him to Aria. If he is the Ryokuryuu, then him attacking us might be bad.

"What kind of favor?" I question him and continue walking, slower than before.

"Are you suspicious of me?" He asks but I just continue walking.

"I see, so you really care for her, huh?" He continues and I choke on air. Me? Caring for that idiot?

"Oh, did I hit a bullseye?" He chuckled and I punched him.

"Whatever" We continue walking towards where Shin-ah and Aria are.


Aria POV

I woke up to the feeling of Ao, pressing an acorn against my cheek. I smiled and took the acorn and gave it to Ao. He jumped down and ran up to Shin-ah, who was looking down at the town. He looked like he was looking for something.

"Shin-ah? Is there something there?" I asked him and he turned around.

"Hakuryuu, Hak, Yoon and....Ryokuryuu...are coming" He said slowly and quietly. My eyes shot up. Ryokuryuu? They found Ryokuryuu?!

"They found Ryokuryuu?!" I asked excited and tried to stand up. I succeeded much to my surprise and made my way towards Shin-ah. It was a slow and tough journey, but eventually I reached him and grabbed his shoulder. I'm such a champion, honestly.

I looked over his shoulder and sure enough, there was Hak, Yoon, Kija and....Jea-ha?

They approached us and I smiled at everyone. I looked at Jea-ha and saw that he was looking at me. I also saw that Hak was staring at Jea-ha.

"Jea-ha? What brings you here?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I've come to tell you something, Ki- Aria" He said.

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