Chapter #12: Who is he?

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Jeaha POV

I can't move

I stare at the person in front of me. She looks very worried. Her hand feels warm. The warmth is replaced by the slightly colder wind when she removes her hand. I want her to hold her hand to my forehead longer. I close my eyes and slowly stand up.

I can't stay here

Aria POV

I remove my hand. The warmth on my hand from his forehead slowly disappears when the wind blows by. He tries standing up slowly. I look at him with worry.

"Thank you, but I'm fine" He said with a gentle voice. I look at him in disbelief. Is he really though?

"Anyway, I have never seen you here before. Who are you?" He said and tried to smile through the pain.

"Oh, my name is Aria. And you are...?" I answered. I gave him my real name since for some reason, I feel like I can trust him. Like I have known him for a long time.

"I'm Jeaha" He said and carefully took my hand and placed a kiss on it. Oh wow, that's....great. I blushed slightly and pulled up my cloak to cover it. I could feel Hak's glare from behind me. Then, Jeaha let go of my hand, as if realizing something. He gives me a handsome smile and puts his hand on his chest.

"Even though I would love to be with a beautiful lady like you, I need to go. I hope I can see you again, my dear" He said and turned around. He started running through the town. Some seconds later, Kija, Yoon and Shin-ah came around the corner. I look at Hak and smirk.

"Did you see that? He kissed my hand AND called me beautiful! Hak, you should take notes" I say. He looked dumbfounded and then turned around.

"Let's go back to camp" He said and started walking. We started walking back to camp and all the way there, Kija talked about sensing the Ryokuryuu, but his presence disappeared. We brushed it off and started focusing on something more important.


-Time skip-

Jeaha POV

I look out over the sea. I can't stop thinking about that girl. I look down on my leg and put my hand on it. It's been tingling since this morning and now, the tingling is almost gone. Does it have to do with her? Then, a thought came to mind. Wasn't there a man with her? Yeah, that man with amazing strength that helped me save the woman. I sit up and jump down from the look out point of the ship.

His strength could be useful to us

I land perfectly on deck and walk inside Captain Gigan's chambers. She's sitting on a couch in her room. She removes the pipe from her mouth and breathes out some smoke. I lean in the doorway and she turns around.

"What do you want, Jeaha? We have a lot to think about concerning Yan Kumji" She said and turned away from me.

"You were in town today. Didn't you see any young, beautiful, strong men there?" She continues.

"I did. You see, I stumbled upon this mirror and—-" I start.

"I said said beautiful and strong, not creepy and perverted" She cut me off. Ouch

"But in all seriousness, I met this one man with amazing strength" I continued.

"Oh? Was he that strong?" She said, slightly interested. I nodded.

"Yes, strong and handsome!" I said and thought about his face in my head. Gigan turned around immediately and looked at me.

"Secure him immediately" She said and walked out of the room.

This other world | {Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the dawn fan fiction} (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now