Chapter #1: Hak

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Aria POV
When I woke up it felt like I was being carried bridal style, like my dad used to carry me when we played 'Princess and servant' when I was younger. I opened my eyes and saw a man that looked like he could be in his twenties, maybe? He had raven black hair, blue eyes and looked very well built. I could see a spear popping up from behind him. He looked down on me and was surprised, probably because I was awake.

"Umm...who are you?" I asked, looking at him weirdly.

"I'm your savior, and you should thank me for saving you" he answered boldly with a bored tone.


"...Thanks for saving me? What did you save me from? And where am I?" I said eyeing him suspiciously.

He looked at me like I had just told him that I am an alien, then at the road again.

"You don't remember? The bandits?"

"No" Bandits?

"Well, there were bandits that tried to rob you while you were unconscious. I thought that they had knocked you out so I scared them off and decided to take you to this friend of mine since he lives with a doctor." He explained.

"I see...thank you, but I think I can walk by myself" As much as I liked being carried when I was younger, I didn't  think it was as fun now. Especially not by an older, unknown man.

"Gladly, you're very heavy so it would be great" He said and put me down. As soon as I stood on the ground again, I smacked his shoulder.

"I am not heavy" I said while pouting.

He chuckled and started walking. I assumed that he was going in the direction of this friend he was talking about, so I followed. We walked on a road that went though the forest for a while. Then, another question popped up in my head.

"Hey, what's your name? I'm Aria" I asked. I wonder what his name is. He looks like a Matt, no, a Bryce maybe? I have never met a Bryce before. Curious, I awaited his answer.

He looked at me and then smiled.

"Hello Aria, I'm Hak" He said and continued walking.

Hak, huh?


Hi people :))

What did you think? Was it good? Bad? I want feedback so that I can make future chapters better :)))
This chapter was supposed to be in the prologue but I felt like it would be a bit much for a prologue so I made it a chapter instead :)

And also, Yona will not be in this book.

Thank you for reading!

I'll see you later :)

Next chapter: Chapter #2: Mother and priest

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