Chapter #18: Another meeting

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I hear...voices....

Even though I'm awake, I kept my eyes shut in order to listen in on the conversation.

"Aria! Please wake up!" I heard someone say and then I felt a big hand on my shoulder. Because of the size of the hand, I realized that it was Kija. Someone pushed his hand away and Kija's voice disappeared in the background as someone yelled at him. I flinched when someone placed their hand on my forehead. I slowly open my eyes to see who it is. I see a worried Yoon who's expression is now changed to one of happiness and surprise.

"Aria!" He said, loud enough for Kija and the others to turn around. I smiled and tried to sit up. I saw that the person who had been talking to Kija was none other than Hak, who looked very relived to see that I was awake. Kija ran up to me and took my hand.

"Aria, I'm so sorry to not have been able to protect you!" He said and looked at me with a sad look. I smiled sadly at him.

"It's not your fault Kija. It was my decision to sneak on the boat. Plus..." I looked at the wound on my neck and put a hand over it. The wound was now bandaged, I assumed that was Yoon's doing.

" was all worth it in the end. I shot Yan Kumji, that means we won right?" I said and removed my hand from my wound so that Yoon could change the bandage. Kija smiled at me and let go of my hand. Hak turned away from me and focused on the ocean. I saw Shin-ah standing next to Hak, looking at me. Since he had his mask on, I couldn't see what sort of expression he had. Some seconds later I heard voices behind me.

"Aria!" I heard Yuri call out to me. I turned around and saw her, some of the other women, some pirates and Jea-ha.

"Yuri!" I Said and tried to stand up to go to her but due to me just waking up, I stumbled towards her and in the end, Shin-ah came and had to carry me. I didn't really mind since he was strong and gentle, but Jea-ha immediately started complaining.

"Aria dear why can't I carry you instead? I would be able to fly with you over the skies to a private place and carry you everywhere. And you wouldn't have to worry, because I would make sure to be reeeeaally gentle" He said and smirked while winking. I looked at him with a blank expression before turning to Yuri and starting a conversation with her.

"Ah, you're so cold Aria dear" He said and looked around, probably for other women in need of his comfort. He walked of later to god knows where and I had my conversation with Yuri and the other women.


Me and everyone else had very much fun after the women were saved. Gigan told the girls that the prize for saving them was to bring enough liquor to get the entire town drunk. I didn't drink anything, even though Jea-ha tried to give me some sake every now and then. Me and Yuri danced and laughed a lot. During most of the time, Hak mostly drank sake with the pirates or just sat in a corner, eyeing me. Kija had gotten drunk pretty easily since he wasn't used to liquor. It was very funny to watch. Shin-ah was mostly eating with Ao and Yoon made snacks. I decided to take a stroll around town to get some fresh air. The smell of alcohol and the loud noice had made my head hurt. I started humming on a song while I passed many houses and closed shops. Eventually, I lost myself in my thoughts.

After a while I accidentally bumped into someone. I fell on the ground and looked down so that I wouldn't be blinded by the sun.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you up" A familiar male voice said and reached out his hand for me to take. I didn't know who it was until I looked up.

The man with the blonde hair looked down on me with a look of surprise.

"You.....Destiny, was it?" He said and smiled. Destiny?...that's right! I gave him a fake name...

This other world | {Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the dawn fan fiction} (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now