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I really am a happy person. Like something would happen and the whole class would stay silent or kinda mumble but I’ll find it hilarious. It’s just in my nature to be very happy. But sometimes happiness is what helps me get through life. I tend to really mess around a lot. I’m able to make a joke out of everything. Like it’s so hard for me to control it. At times it would just be out of nowhere. Like the whole entire class will be silent and I’ll start to giggle and laugh like I just seen the funniest thing ever. I just can’t help it. I’m just a really happy person. And it’s so easy to get me to smile. If I’m mad and somebody does like just one thing, I can smile like I been smiling all day. Like this one time at lunch, I left my phone on the table and my friend put my phone in her pants when I left real quick. So when I got back I started forgot about it until they started laughing and I then noticed that my phone was gone. I got so mad, I started yelling but then when she took it out our other friend start talking about her and then I started to laugh and smile again. It’s just that easy. I’ll go from super angry like the Hulk to really happy. It’s just kinda natural for me to be super happy. Most people don’t even know where I get all the energy from. And to be honest, I don’t know where it come from either. And plus there are a lot of people in my life that make me really happy too. Like my dad, my mom, my stepdad, my sisters, my little step brother, my best friend, my other friends, and most importantly my girlfriend. They are the ones that help me get through my day and make me smile so much. I get happiness from my dad because him and I are such alike it’s just kinda easy. My mom because I'm with her most of the time but she helps me get through any of my situations. My stepdad because since he is still pretty young, 28, we get along as though we are kids. My sisters because they're such small creatures that are so energetic but also somewhat controlling. My step brother because well one I barely have to see him and two because when I do see him he's very fun to play with. My best friend because she has helped me come more out of my shell let anybody else has. Plus she's only person to ever give me the time of day when we first met. My other friends because they helped me get through the class. With nothing but a whole bunch of laughter and playfulness. And the fact that I have nobody else to really talk to nowadays. And last but not least my girlfriend because she has helped me with so much that she probably doesn't even realize it, most likely. Plus the fact that she is able to make me do pretty much anything with just her words. Sometimes it can be her actions but it’s mostly her words. Wrong with these people there are many things that can make me happy yes it is indeed weird that I'm able to laugh at a person is paid or it may be awkward that I just laugh out in the middle of total silence but I can't help if I just start laughing it’s just how I am. But I'm pretty sure that everybody experiences happiness at least at one point in their life because if not then that's kind of sad because that means that they've been upset for their whole life because they haven't gotten the chance to be happy or something happened for them to not be happy anymore. And I would just like to say that even though they might not have the chance to laugh there head off I wouldn't soon enough like to be somebody to make them laugh. Because in my defense I'm a pretty funny person. I make a lot of jokes that most people do laugh at. And although you may not get the joke, it's funny because it doesn't make sense. Now I know that doesn't make sense but usually when something doesn't make sense but the person that sent it is laughing is funny to you because it's funny to them to where it starts to make sense but it still doesn't make sense for you to understand it. Now I know that's kind of complicated but you'll probably understand in the future. Hopefully. Or maybe now, who knows. All I’m trying to say is that I’m very funny and has a really good sense of humor that’s sometimes understandable. And that I am a really happy person, even when I’m angry, you can get a laugh out of me and when I basically feel anything, I will still laugh my head off.

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