I can account for there being furious only six times in my lifetime. The first time was in preschool. This one kid decided to take my coloring sheet away from me and I got so angry at him, I decided to get my revenge the next day. So when we came back to school, we had recess and we were playing kickball. And I made sure that when I kicked the ball it came straight for him. But I guess that day I was really lucky because when the ball hit him, he fell into a pit of fire ants. So guess who wasn’t at school to bother me for the next two months. Hurray for me. But anyways moving on. The second time I got furious was in second grade. We were all going on a field trip to the zoo and I couldn’t go because I didn’t have all my assignments turned in. But the teacher made a deal with me that if I finished and turned it in before we left, then I could go. We I had one last question to go before she said that my time was up and I had to go over to another class. But I only had one left, so I’m trying to hurry up but she wouldn’t let me. So like any other bratty child, I got so angry I threw my desk on her toe. That day she decided to wear open toed shoes, so that was even worse for her. I got suspended for like a week. She had to get surgery on it because I took off her toenail. I know right, gruesome. Now we’re moving on. The third time was in fourth grade. We had these ranks like, associates, diploma, masters, and doctorate. Everybody started on associates. If you did something good, you moved up. You do something bad, you moved down. I was the best in my class. I reached doctorate before the rest of the class, and then there was like five other kids that were there afterwards. Well I had to use the restroom, so I went but I just went to play around like most kids did. But this one kid took my phone and then ran away in one of the stalls. So I started to kick on the door and as soon as I did it, a teacher came in there and then told my teacher, and I was demoted all the way back down to associates. That made me so furious, that I went on a rampage. Flipping desk, breaking things, and cussing out the teacher. The only reason I did that was because I had worked so hard to get all the way up there just for me to go all the way back down again. All because a kid took my phone and wouldn’t give it back. Yeah cause that’s fine. I mean I didn’t have anything on there but still I want my phone. You don’t see me taking other people’s and running away with them. Fourth time was when I was at a family reunion and everybody kept pinching my cheeks. I don’t have too much of a problem with it but it starts to hurt over a period of time. So I had about had enough of everybody pinching my cheeks. So the next person that pinched my cheeks was my cousin, that sees me almost everyday, well let’s say that he had a few injuries. The fifth time was when I was in sixth grade and in my math class. We always had test but the teacher always messed up mine when I had the best grade in the class. I would get like 80-95 out of 100 and she’ll score it to where it was like 50-65 out of 100. So soon enough I got fed up with it and when we went over it for this really big test that I missed out on I got so angry, I slapped her. I mean I got tired of getting bad grades when it wasn’t true and of my mom being constantly all up on my back about it when it wasn’t even correct. So yeah I just slapped the mess out of her but she’s fine now. Still has a small scar but she’ll be fine. And finally the last time I got really furious was when I had an open opportunity to go out with some friends and actually get out the house which I usually never really get to do as much because my mom is super strict. Welp as always she said no. But it was Friday night, she had nothing to do, I had nothing to do, she didn’t have to go anywhere and at this point in time my sister wasn’t even thought of so like it was okay. But nope apparently not to her. So like my over dramatic self, I was really angry and I ended up punching a hole in the wall. Yes, I know that was a little uncalled for but I never get out the house. My mom is way too strict sometimes. I mean I wasn’t able to go out skating with my friends until I was in the 8th grade for crying out loud. And then people wonder why I’m such an isolated person. Well most of is because of my mom and her strictness. But hey now at least I’m getting more freedom because I’m in high school.