Sign Language

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No matter how better life gets, every morning I have the same thoughts in my mind. The nightmares should stop haunting me as soon as I open my eyes, but they don't. But that's okay... I'm used to the nightmares now.

Today, for the first time, I wasn't reading. Things have started to change. For starters, I know that I'm not alone anymore. And I really like the fact that I don't have to put on a fake smile every time. Because I was tired... Tired of being alone, fake smiling and always tearing up. The sadness just kept on consuming me and it felt like dying. But now, the things are starting to change... Yesterday, I got an idea for stories so I brought a diary with me to note down the ideas. I had just finished writing the first page when Evan came. I wanted to show him the story only after I finished writing it so I hid the diary.

"Why did you hide the diary?" He said, teasing me.

I used sign language to tell that it was just a diary. And then it came to my mind that he didn't know sign language. I took out my notebook and handed it to him. But instead of taking the notebook, he did something which surprised me. He said "Okay! Story ideas?" using sign language. I stared at him for some seconds. He smiled and wrote down something in the diary.

"I checked out some tutorials for sign language yesterday. Although yeah, just some words like "story" that relate to you and your hobbies." As soon as I read it, my eyes became watery. I looked at Evan and smiled.

"Are you crying?" He asked.

"Nope. That happened because of thinking about how nice you are. Thanks for watching the tutorials. It really means a lot..."

"No problem :) I wanted to surprise you by saying something using sign language.. By the way, your reaction was good!"

We talked a little more and then the bell rang. I was heading out of the classroom when Evan stopped me. He asked if we could walk together to my home again. And there was no way that I was going to deny. We walked together, talking about his poetry and my stories. He said that he'll be showing me his creations soon and I really wanted to read them. In no time, we were at my house. 

"See you in the evening!" he said with excitement.

I smiled and said bye before I closed the door of my house. I went back to my room and opened the door of my closet. I literally had nothing good to wear! I mean, I hadn't gone to a party since a long time. I sat on the bed, worried about what to do. And luckily, Bethany came to my rescue.

"Hey there sis! I know which dress you should wear!" She opened my closet, searched for a little while and pulled out a red dress.

"You should wear this! It looks nice on you." It was definitely going to take me a long time to make a decision, so I thought to agree with her idea.

"And what about the gift? Did you think of something you could give to him?"

I actually hadn't. I took out my laptop and opened YouTube to search for gift ideas. Just as I clicked the search bar, my eyes lit up. I knew what the perfect gift was going to be!

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