Christmas Eve

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To be honest, Festive season was my favorite time of the year.  Everything would look so bright and sparkly and people would smile brighter than usual. It was the season of smiles. I was thinking about Christmas, just as mom barged into my room.

"Hey mom, I guess" I said using signs.

"I can't joke and say 'We're celebrating with family this time because you don't have any friends' so better invite David too!" saying that, she left. Yeah, my family was full of jokers.

I messaged David and asked if he had any plans for the eve. He said no, so I invited him to the celebration too. He said he didn't have any idea what to give to me as a present and asked me what I wanted. I'm kind of glad that I didn't know what I wanted so I said anything was fine. 

I was sitting in my room reading a book when Bethany came running, saying, "Your boyfriend is here early!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that he's not my boyfriend, silly!" saying that while smiling, I went downstairs to greet Evan. The color red looked good on him. 

"Hey, aren't you late usually?" I said, teasing him.

"I would be playing video games right now if your mom hadn't called me to help you guys out!"

"Yeah, that's right. Bethany has some work to do and I'm busy too so I thought you two could bake the cake together." with a grin on her face. I really didn't expect that. Well, now I know how Bethany is the way she is.

We went to the kitchen to get started with the recipe. I'm glad I was there with him, otherwise I wouldn't be sure if the kitchen would be safe right now. He turned on the mixer without covering the lid and the batter splashed almost everywhere. From there on, I decided to bake the cake myself. All that while, he sat there, looking at me and smiling. He put on some songs and sung along them. My wish to hear him sing grew even more by the second. I wondered how his voice sounded like...

After a while, the cake was finally ready, all chocolaty and fluffy. I could say it was one of the best cakes I had ever baked. After a while of me appreciating the cake and my baking skills, Evan told someone had rung the bell so we went to open the door. David looked and me and smiled, then wished the both of us. Evan returned a faint smile. 

Bethany wanted to play some board games so we decided to go with the idea. Mom was busy making some recipes we have every year on Christmas. 

"Iris and I are a team then!" said Evan.

"Isn't that obvious?" said Bethany, teasing us. "Okay then, David. Let's make sure we beat them!"

In the end, our team ended up winning. It was a good game though. This was the reason I liked Christmas so much. People spent time together and had real smiles on their faces. 

"Are you and Evan best friends? You two seem really close." asked David out of the blue.

"More or less. Yeah, we're pretty close." I said, smiling.

I could feel David get a little jealous. I knew he had confessed and was still waiting for my answer. Today was a happy day, so I thought of answering later. All of us talked and played more. It was soon time for dinner and everyone seemed to enjoy the food. Mom really is a good cook.

Time really does pass by fast when you're with the people you're close to. Evan and David had just arrived and the clock was already about to strike twelve. Bethany did the honors of the countdown and all of us wished each other at midnight.

 I wished those smiles stayed on their faces for as long as they could. All the smiles, the memories, the games and the talks seemed so magical. I never thought I could find this happiness again. A tear rolled down my cheeks when I thought of how life had changed.

"What happened?" asked Evan, worrying about me again.

"Nothing, Mr. Idiot! Just really happy to be here right now... And you need to stop worrying about me so much, although you look cute when you do."  said I, smiling, with tears flowing down like a river.

"Oh! Tears of joy, I see... Okay, I approve it."  Saying that, he looked at me and smiled.

"I really wish dad was here..."  was what I felt my heart say after a while.

Everyone really liked the cake and I showed off my baking skills a little more. At the time of gift exchange, everyone exchanged gifts and promised to open them after they reached home. Evan and David left shortly after and I had already started missing the day. 

David gifted me three new books that I had always wanted. And Evan gave me a pendant with a beautiful crystal. I took out my diary and wrote down everything that had happened. Everyone had definitely made sure to make me go to bed with a smile on my face. And I did, with a real one.

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