Good News

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I woke up at seven in the morning with a smile on my face. Yeah, things are definitely changing. I finally got to know that it's true that someone else's smile can make you smile. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to have breakfast. I could smell the pancakes already and rushed downstairs because mom's pancakes are the best! Just as I reached downstairs, mom came running  towards me, with her eyes filled with tears.

"Is everything alright?"  I asked.

"Honey, you'll be able to hear others!!! We'll finally be able to afford the Cochlear implants next year!" She replied.

At first, I thought that being able to hear wouldn't change anything. But then, I realized that I was wrong. Being able to hear my family and Evan would change my life. I just hoped that the next year could come a little bit faster, just because my wish was going to get fulfilled. I finished the pancakes faster than I expected and headed out for school. Just as I entered the class, I saw Evan, sitting right beside where I sit. 

"Hey Iris!"

I smiled and sat down. Although writing most of the things down to  talk is kind of tiring, it's worth it. Especially because of the smiley faces he adds. They're as cute as him. I told him about the news and he got way too excited.

"Wow! That's awesome! I'll sing a song when you'll  be able to hear again :) "

"Okay! Waiting for it :)"

A little while later, Sarah came and started teasing Evan for talking to me.

"Oh so Iris finally found a friend! Well Evan, you know that talking to her would basically get you excluded from the class. Right?"

Evan didn't even look up. He literally ignored her. That's the reason I admire him. He's just  so calm and  composed and never cares about  what others say. That's the reason I want to be like him. I just want to be myself and not care about what others think. I don't want to lose another friend. Because I've felt the  pain of people leaving. And  when they leave, all there's left is a void. And at least for me, it takes a lot of time to fill it. I would've fell into deep thinking,  but Evan broke my thoughts.

"Hey. by the way, I'm working on some poems!"

"Oh that's awesome! I'm currently working on a story!"

"And when am I going  to read it?"

"When I finish writing it."

"Isn't there any other way than waiting?"

"No other way. Sorry!"

"Fine! I'll be waiting."

For the first tine, someone other than my sister was going to be reading my story. I just hoped that he'd like it. 

"I'll have to go  back to my seat now. Bye!" He smiled and I smiled back.

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