Another Friend

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It was Sunday, which meant sleeping as much as I wanted to. I slept pretty late last night, which gave me an excuse for waking up late. But I never imagined that I'd wake up at 11! I gulped down the food as fast as I could and headed out for the park. This time, I wasn't going with Evan. I just needed some fresh air and new ideas for my story. I sat on the bench, thinking of new ideas while Bethany played with her friends. After failing at getting new ideas, I decided to read a new book that I had recently brought some days ago. As I turned to the next page, someone sat beside me. I thought it was Evan, but it wasn't.

In front of my eyes, was a guy with his brown eyes lit up by excitement.

"OH MY GOD! I've wanted this book forever!"

I took out my notebook and wrote down.

'I'm sorry. I'm deaf and you're talking pretty fast. So if you could, please write down whatever you want to say :)'

"Oh okay. Can I borrow that book please?"

"Yeah sure! I'll give it to you once I finish it."

"Okay! Thanks :) By the way, what's your name?"

"Iris. What's yours?"


We talked a little more and then he told that he needed to leave.

"I have to go somewhere. See you later! Bye."


I was keeping my notebook back, when I saw my phone. I had put it on silent because I didn't want to get disturbed while reading. As I unlocked it, I saw a flood of messages. Messages from Evan. All of them asked if I was alright, in different ways. Seeing him get worried for me was kind of sweet. I thought of what to say and texted back.

"Hey! Sorry.. My phone was on silent so didn't see your messages."

"I've been texting you for an hour! Do you know how worried I got!?"

"You don't need to worry now :)"

"Thank god you replied! I would've died worrying. Anyways, what are you doing?"

"At the park right now."

"And you didn't even call me?"

"I was reading a book. So, you would've got bored anyway. I'll talk later. Have to go now. Bye :)"


Bethany and I went back home after sometime. I sat on my bed, thinking about my story. I really wanted to make it worth the wait. After some time of deep thinking, I thought to take a rest. I was about to sleep when Bethany came inside.

"Your boyfriend has come to meet you!"

"Evan? He isn't my boyfriend!"

"Then how did you know that it was Evan?" Ugh. Bethany always finds a way to tease me. I went downstairs, smiling. There he stood, at the door, smiling like always. This was the smile I could do anything for. Just a smile of his could change my entire mood.

"Hey Iris! Here's your notebook. I forgot to return it yesterday."

"Oh you could've given it tomorrow."

"It's okay. I also wanted to see you."

That's when I felt those 'butterflies in my stomach' again. I was about to say thanks, when Bethany came running.

"Hey sis. Who was that guy you met today? Your classmate?"

"Someone I met today. He loves books as much as I do."

I looked at Evan as he gave me a faint smile. His mood suddenly changed. For some reason, he didn't look alright.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

"Yeah." Saying no more than that, he left.

Bethany closed the door and giggled.

"I'm kind of sure now that he likes you. Jealousy is a sign, you know."

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