Holding His Hand

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"Good morning! I'm heading for your home since I woke up early (by accident), I'll be there in 10 mins.. See you soon!"

Why does Evan like to give me panic attacks so often? I opened his message right after I woke up and my eyes were already wide open. I was struggling to get dressed, just when Bethany opened the door suddenly.

"Hey, sis! Why are you in a hurry when you know you're going to be late?" She teased as she giggled.

"Beth! Have you seen my Science book?"

"It was downstairs at the tea-table."

"Oh, thanks! You're a life saver!"

I ran downstairs as fast as I could, trying not to get late. And boom! I bumped into someone. I thought it was mom, but I knew who it was when I saw a hand in front of me, indicating for help I might have needed to get up. I looked up, and there he was, smiling like usual. I was about to smile too but then he burst into laughter. I knew what was going to happen next.

"You literally need nothing to trip down, do you? There would be nothing in your way except air, and you'd still stumble!" said he, teasing again.

"I wouldn't have. I just did today, thanks to you for just appearing out of the blue!" I replied with the best face I could make to show myself annoyed.

"That thanks thing was rhyming you know. You should try writing poems too!" He said, ignoring my anger again.

"Whatever, let's go.."

I had to stay at school till 6 in the evening for some work that I had been given. Evan and the others had already left at the usual timings, and it was just some children and teachers at school after then. I finished my work and the article I had been assigned as soon as I could and handed it to Ms. Hemsworth. To my surprise, she liked it.

"This article is definitely going to be printed in the school magazine. Good work, Iris!" and she gave a heart-warming smile.

"Thank you. I'd like to go now."

"Okay. Return home safely!"

As I headed out and was about to exit, I saw Evan standing at the main gate. He was right there, in front of me, smiling cutely.

"Hey, Iris!"

I waved at him and we started walking together.

"So, did you forget something at school?" I asked, because I had seen him leave during the dispersal.

"Nope. It gets pretty dark at night during winters so I decided to walk you home when your work got finished."

"I can go by my own too, you know.." I conveyed using my hands, staring at the ground trying to hide my blush.

"Yeah, maybe."

On the way, I kept on looking at the sky. It reminded me of the night when Evan and I were together and talked about the night sky. It was then that I bumped into someone the moment I took a step forward.

"Watch where you're going girl!" said a guy, who was a lot taller than me and had a scary vibe to him. He was with two other people.

"Oh, isn't this one pretty? Want to come with us?" said the other one.

I saw him reaching for my hand and closed my eyes immediately because I was terrified. Someone did touch my hand, but it was the warm touch, the one that felt secure. I opened my eyes and saw Evan standing there, in front of me, holding my hand tightly. Whenever I look up, he's there, looking at me, smiling. Even when I need him the most, he's there.. I got the feeling that I would be alright.

"I'm sorry. She has a boyfriend already."

One of the guys got annoyed by what Evan said. But the other one calmed him down and said it was better if they left, saying they didn't want to be the center of attention.

"Iris, let's go." he said, with the most serious look I had ever seen on his face.

He didn't let go of my hand. He held it even tighter... It felt like he felt that I'd disappear if he let go of it. I kept on looking at his back the whole time he held my hand. I somehow wanted to never let go of it. Holding his hand made me feel secure. Some time later, he finally let go.

"Thank god I came with you! What if those guys did something?"

To be honest, I was scared to death when that person was about to grab my hand. But all I could reply with was, "Then, I don't know.."

"You don't know? I would've died just worrying about you." he said, with the serious look he had earlier.

I smiled. It felt nice to know that he cared a lot for me.

"I'm serious."

I felt like letting him know how cute he looked when he was worried. But doesn't he always?

"I'm right here! Everything is fine, right? Now let's go home already."

On the way, he still held my hand with that serious and worried look. And it isn't anything new... but he looked very cute.

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