"I think he likes you!"

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It was finally Saturday, the only day in the week I looked forward to. It would've been a normal day though, if me and Evan hadn't planned to meet at the park. The plan was of meeting at the park at 10 in the morning, which wasn't possible because I woke up at 11. But that's alright. I knew that he would wake up late too, which was accurate. Bethany wanted to go too so the plan was delayed a bit more. As soon as Bethany got ready, we left for the park.

At the park, I sat on the bench and kept on looking at Bethany playing. Looking at her smiling and playing made me smile too. Someone's smile can definitely make one smile. I was about to take my notebook out, when I saw him. The one who never fails to make me smile.

"You look good when you smile." He said, using sign language.

Whenever he says something using sign language, it just makes me so happy. Happy because he put effort into making things easier for me. I smiled and said thanks. He couldn't possibly converse by conveying everything using hands, so I handed him my notebook for conversations.

"How do you smile so brightly even after everything you go through?"

"Because there are some people who still care about me. Besides, a friend of mine once said that my smile could give people hope. So, even if I don't want to smile, I smile for others :) "

"Oh sure it does! Keep smiling :) "

It's just a smiley face, but never fails to make me smile. The way he draws it makes it look even cuter, but it's still never enough to match Evan's cuteness. I was about to write something when someone called him.

"I'll be right back."

As soon as he went, I took out another diary and wrote something down.

"Meeting at the park."

I would've written more but Evan came till then.

"Oh, story ideas?"


"Cool! Waiting for it."

"Same goes for your poems."

He pointed towards my notebook for conversations and so, I handed it to him. He wrote as I read.

"By the way, thanks for yesterday for being there for me. I really needed someone to make me feel happy, to let me know that I'm not worthless, to tell me that I shouldn't lose hope because there are people out there who still care. Thanks for helping me stay in piece. Thanks for everything..."

I was there by his side because I wanted to. He never failed to make me smile. Did I finally find someone who made sure that my cracked pieces didn't fall apart? Not knowing what to say, I simply wrote down- "No problem :)"

We talked for some more time, when Bethany came.

"So, are we going home or do you two need more time alone?"

That kind of made me blush.

"Ooh! Both of you are blushing!"

As soon as I read her lips, I turned towards Evan and our eyes met. We kept looking at each other, but then he realized that things got kind of awkward. So, he turned his head and started looking at the ground, still blushing. He was looking so cute! To be honest, I could've gazed at him the whole day. Bethany grabbed me by my hand and said that it was time for us to head back.

"It's okay. Bye!"'


On our way home, Bethany started walking fast and I was left behind. But after sometime, she stopped all of a sudden and turned around to say something.

"I think he likes you!"

That's when for the first time, I felt something different. Most probably what people refer to as "butterflies in the stomach". But then, it all vanished when I thought about it. Why would he even like someone imperfect as me when he can get better? We're no more than good friends. Right?

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