"You're different."

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It was six in the evening. I got ready like usual and headed out. It took about ten minutes to reach there. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.  For some reason, my heartbeat increased. I stood there, waiting for the door to open and it finally did. A smile appeared on his face just as he saw me. The same went for me.

"Oh hey Iris!" said he, still smiling.


He was about to say something but something stopped him. Both of us stood silent for some time, when he finally broke it.

"Shouldn't you be with David at the book fair?"

"Change of plans!"

"But why?"

"Priority is a thing you know!" Just as I finished saying that, Evan smiled. I had never seen something cuter than his smile. 

"So, wanna go watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure!"

We decided to watch a romantic movie. To be honest, it was his idea and I couldn't say no. The whole time I couldn't concentrate on the movie as I was already busy looking at Evan. At times, he even caught me looking at him and I just kept on blushing. That was why the movie seemed shorter than it was supposed to be. As soon as the movie ended, Evan looked at me, making the cutest face I had ever seen.

"I'm hungry! Let's go eat something.."

"Fine by me!" 

We ordered the basic stuff- Pizza, coke and choco-lava cakes. While eating, he suddenly asked me a question.

"So, did you like the movie?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"I did as well. The only thing I didn't get was how the girl couldn't understand that the guy loved her. It was too obvious, you know." He said, looking at me.

"Yeah that's true.. Even the girl didn't say anything."

"It happens sometimes when one isn't sure." He said, as if he had experienced it.

"Happened with you before?"

"Nope.. I don't really talk much with girls."

"And yet, you spend most of your time with me!"

For some time, he didn't say anything. He kept on smiling and I kept on looking at him.

"Well, that's because you're different.."

That was enough to make my day worth it. 

"So, do you have someone you like?"

If I would've been honest, even I didn't know. The only person who could make me smile this much was Evan. Being with him actually made me feel like I really existed. Just having a look at him could make me smile. Whenever I spent time with him, time just went by so fast and the second he used to leave, I wanted to talk to him again. I just didn't know what this feeling was. Was I seriously falling in love? I didn't know the answer yet so I stopped thinking about it.


"Well, you sure took a while to answer.. You sure you don't like anyone?"

I smiled, looking at his curious face.

"Don't worry! You'll be the first person I'l tell when I get to know."


"Yeah, I promise."

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