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David had told me some days ago that his birthday was coming soon, and time passed by fast, just like always. In other words, his birthday was today. I had a handmade birthday card ready for him, along with the new editions in his favorite book series. To be honest, I was quite excited to see his reaction on getting the gift. 

At school, when Evan came and sat next to me, he could clearly see the excitement in my eyes.

"Hey! What's the excitement about?" said he, with eyes full of excitement too.

Just as I told him about David's birthday, that excitement faded. His smile did too.

"Oh that's nice :) So, do you two have any plans?"

"Well, not really.. I'm pretty sure he'll just keep on talking about books."

"Huh, who talks about books on their birthday?" 

"That's just how David is!" I said, smiling. 

That was the last time we talked today. I waited for him when the dispersal was taking place, but he didn't come and told me that I'd have to go alone. It was fine for me to be honest, but it's a lot better when he's there with me. 

I reached home pretty soon and quickly wrapped the gifts up and headed out to David's house. Just as he opened the door, his face lit up.

"Hey Iris!"

"Hey David! Happy birthday!"

He grabbed my hand and took me to his room. I was right after all, he was going to talk about books. He showed me his favorite books in his shelf and I could see some of mine too! I took out a notebook of his and wrote down.

'You sure have a great taste in books!'

'I know, I know :P'

Just as I looked at the shelf again, I saw my all time favorite book in it. I took it out to show him what all I liked in that book. Just as I flipped to the best part in it and looked at him to show it, I noticed that he was staring at me. For a few seconds, he was completely blank, and then looked away. Bethany's words came to my mind again.

"A shy guy might look away when you catch him looking at you!"

I really wished those words hadn't come in my mind.

"Did something happen?"

David's POV

Something obviously did happen. I knew I had blanked out again, thinking about her. All I could think about was her heart-warming smile, the way she giggles, her eyes and literally everything about her. She just seemed perfect, even without her voice or hearing ablity. Whenever she looks at me, every thing just stops and I would just stand there, looking at how beautiful she is. She broke my thoughts by snapping her fingers, right in front of my eyes.

Iris's POV 

"Hello? Thinking about someone?" I said, trying to tease him. 


"Oh, who is it?"

"You." He said, without any hesitation.

"Oh, don't lie! I'm right here in front of you." 

He came closer to me and looked into my eyes. Bethany's words kept on going inside my mind.

"Want to know the truth? I love you." was what he conveyed, using sign language.

At first, my brain couldn't process what had happened right then. Then I realized that I was staring at him, so I quickly looked away. 

"Thanks for being honest." I said, smiling.

"Yeah, no problem." He replied with a smile.

We talked for a while and it was finally time for me to go. On the way back home, I saw Evan. 

"Hey! How did it go?"

"It was pretty good." 

We went to the park and talked a little. After a while, a girl came up to us. She was quite beautiful to be honest. Evan stood up, smiling bright and hugged her.

"Iris! She's the friend I was talking about. She's Christina."

"Oh hi Christina!"

Both of them just talked about some things and I felt completely left out. They giggled and laughed about stuff for some time, so I decided to leave.

"Hey, you guys can talk. I'll go now. Bye!"

Just as I exited the park, I felt someone hold my hand. I turned around and saw Evan.

"You two can talk, it's fine! I can go on my own."

Evan just stood there, looking at me. I noticed Christina smiling.


"Priority is a thing, you know." 

And things ended like they usually did when I was with him. I smiled and he smiled back.

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