A Promise

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It was finally Friday, the best week-day. I woke up pretty late and realized that Bethany had already left for school. I got ready as quickly as I could and ran out the door. On my way, I stumbled upon a rock which wasn't a huge surprise since it happened quite often. And as usual, I didn't have any time to wash it so I just got up and ran again to reach school as soon as I could. Just as I was about to enter inside the class, my English teacher saw the wound on my leg and took me to the nurse's office right away. 

I sat there and watched the nurse put medicine on both my hand and my leg. After she was finished, I said thanks. I got up to head out for my class but she stopped me.

"You should sit here for some minutes.."


I kept on looking at the door since I had nothing to do and that's when I saw Evan. He stood at the door, breathing heavily.  I smiled as he came inside and sat beside me. Just as his eyes saw the blood-stained cotton, he turned his face towards me and started looking at the wounds. 

"That looks bad... Must've hurt a lot!"

I looked at my hand. But instead of focusing on the current wound, my eyes focused on the wound of years ago. The wound that reminded me of the time when I attempted suicide. Although I did try to kill myself, I just couldn't cut deep enough because I knew that there were people who still cared for me. And I just couldn't end my life just because I was getting bullied. Controlling my tears, I finally said as he read my lips.

"This is nothing compared to how much I've been hurt.."

I looked into his eyes and continued.

"But it's okay.. Nobody even cares."

He kept on looking at me for sometime and finally said something.

"Well, you're wrong about that. I care... I care for you! Just remember that I'll be there for you, no matter what happens. Okay? Don't get all gloomy now.. Smile!!"

I looked at him and finally smiled.

"Your smile works like a charm! You know that, right?"

"Just got to know now! By the way, are you sure that you won't leave?"

He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, that's a promise! Now I know I might be annoying but you'll have to deal with it.. Okay?"

I giggled and just as I saw him, I noticed that he was staring at me. When I caught him doing that, he looked away. That's when Bethany's words flashed in my mind.

"A shy guy might look away when you catch him looking at you!"

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