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For some reason, I always hated mornings. For starters, they ruined my dreams. And then I had to go to school which sucked. But things started to change. I kind of started liking going to school and it was all thanks to Evan since he was the one who made things a lot better! To my surprise, I wasn't late this morning. As soon as I entered the class, I knew what my eyes were searching for- Evan. He was on the last seat so I decided to sit beside him.

"Hey Evan!"

"Hey Iris."

Saying that, he took out a notebook and started writing something.

'So who was that guy Bethany was talking about yesterday?'

'A new friend :) He loves books as much as I do!'

'Oh okay.. By the way, you can call me next time to the park even if you're reading.'

I looked at him, totally confused and then wrote down.

'No it's okay! I don't want you to get bored :P'

As soon as he read it, his smile faded away.

'I won't :)'

The rest of the day went as usual. Both of us kept on ignoring others which made it a lot easier for me to "survive" at school. While Evan and I were heading to my house, we met David.

"Oh hey Iris!"

I smiled. David turned towards Evan and smiled brightly.

"You must be Evan, am I right?"

"Yeah I am. And you must be David. Iris told me about you."

"Yeah she told me about you too! In fact, the only thing we talked about was you!"

Ugh! That was kind of embarrassing. He was about to say more when I covered his mouth to shut it.

"It's nothing special." I said.

Evan and David decided to drop me home which was very nice of them. I reached home soon and so it was time to say bye. Bethany was in the kitchen, finding some food for herself.

"Oh hey sis!"

"Hey Beth!"

"Want some food?"

"Not really... By the way, what um.. about the signs you were talking about yesterday?"

She giggled.

"Oh look who's getting excited!"

"Just tell the signs already!"

"Okay okay!!"

I don't know how she knew this much but she talked about a lot of signs. And every time she mentioned a new sign, Evan came in my mind. He showed those signs, but it couldn't mean that he actually liked me, right? This stuff was going from above my head so I told her to stop.

"You want to make sure if Evan likes you, right?"

How did she know?

"Ooh! You're smiling!" She said, trying to tease me.

I just don't know how or why, I smile whenever someone mentions Evan. I don't like him.. right?

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