Her Eyes

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While going back, Evan and I kept on talking about random stuff. I was about to ask him something when suddenly he pointed at the sky.

"The sky sure does look pretty with all those stars, right?"

I looked up at the sky and realized that I had never seen something this beautiful before. The dark sky was lit up brightly by the stars that twinkled so beautifully that I kept on gazing at it. After some time, I realized that I hadn't answered Evan's question yet.

"Sure it does!" I said, turning towards him.

"You know, you probably look even more beautiful when you smile.." Said he, which was probably meant to tease me.

I giggled and then wrote down on the notes of a book I had borrowed from David. "Nope, I'm just a simple, dull girl! Starry skies sometimes give people hope, give people something to write about, help in healing some people as looking at the sky helps them calm down.. And look at me! I can't do any of that."

He kept on staring at me for sometime, looked at the sky and then smiled.

"Think of it this way.. People couldn't have seen the beauty of the starry sky if the sky wasn't so dark at night. Your thoughts and your anxiety are just like that dark sky.. But because of that, we can also see a new, bright side of you. I know that Iris too.. The one who smiles and admires people, who feels grateful for little things, who's a really shy person and has a really beautiful smile!"

Evan's words somehow always seemed to give me hope.

"Thanks for that.."


I should've told her how stupid she was too. I mean, how can she not realize how important she is in the lives of some other people? I don't really know what she's thinking about right now. But, what I know is that my mind is thinking about her, only her.. She's looking at the stars so cutely, as if she has never seen something more beautiful. I certainly have..

I looked at the starlit sky once again. The stars truly did remind me of her. I told her that her thoughts were the darkness but it was she herself who was the star who lit everything up. But for me, she's my star too. The stars reminded me of her glowing eyes, radiating bright.. The ones that light me and my life up, the ones that make me feel better. And she calls herself dull, should've said she was an idiot too.


I kept on looking at Evan as he gazed at the sky, totally lost in his thoughts. Without even thinking, I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes.

"Are you lost? Want me to help you?" I said, trying to tease him.

"You always seem to bring me back to the right path anyway.."

I didn't completely get what he was trying to say but one thing's for sure. He ruined my chance of teasing him.

"Ugh! Evan! I was trying to tease you." As I finished writing, I looked at him with an annoyed look on my face and he started laughing.

"Talk about being an idiot! You shouldn't laugh when I'm angry!"

"You look cute when you're annoyed!"

I felt the rush of blood to my cheeks. I really hoped that Evan didn't notice me blushing. There was a moment of silence between us but he decided to break it. As he was about to write something down, my phone got a notification. I was about to check it when he snatched it suddenly, saying "Just a minute please!"

There was another notification sound so he decided to check it. As soon as he unlocked the phone, he noticed that the two notifications were due to the messages David had sent me.

"It was fun having you over today for my birthday! Thanks :)"

"Also, you don't have to think about what I said today. Sorry if it made things awkward.."

Evan's smile faded away and he handed me my phone back.

"I guess it's pretty late. Let's go back." He said, still not smiling.

"Yeah, okay.." was all I could say.

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